Careview - Invoice Entry

Invoice Entry System Overview

The Invoice Entry system is designed to enable Plan Managers to quickly enter, edit and clone a Service Provider Invoice within Careview for claiming.

The Service Entry screen displays a list of all of the Invoices that you have created, excluding Provider Paid by default. These records will contain one or more Delivered Services, which are used by the Careview bulk NDIS .CSV creation process.  Each time you create an Invoice in Careview it will be given a unique reference number, e.g., NDIS-0000000050.

Service Entry Screen Overview

1.      Functions

Create New Invoice
The Create New Invoice function allows you to enter the invoice information into Careview upon receiving a new Service Provider Invoice.

Data Loader

The Data Loader function allows you to upload the following invoices in bulk into Careview;

Create Monthly PM Invoices

The Create Monthly PM Invoices function enables you to create all of your monthly invoices for your active Plan Management clients.

Bulk Invoice File Import

This function will enable Careview Plan Management and Service Provider clients to upload a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to process their Invoices and/or Services in Bulk.  Invoices will be created in the Service Entry screen for Plan Managers to then download for claiming with PRODA.


The Invoice Report function enables you to report on all Service Entries entered and download the data into excel.

The Invoice report is restricted to download Invoice data for a maximum of a 12-month period.  In order to download more than 12 months, create a new report and enter the next date range required.

If you experience a Not a legal OleAut date. error when trying to generate an invoice report, this indicates the existence of an invoice with an invalid invoice date (eg. an invoice date prior to 1 July 2013). If you are unable to locate the invoice, please contact us at for assistance.


The following system processes are available under the Action button on the Service Entry screen.


System Process

Download NDIS Claim

Select this action to create a Bulk NDIS Claim file for uploading into the PRODA system to retrieve payment.

Download [Accounting System] File

Select this action if you wish to download a file that can then be uploaded in your Accounting System.

Mark as Paid

Select this action if you have received your payment from the NDIA and need to mark 'Extracted' (or 'Fully Reconciled - Ready for Provider Payment') invoices as 'Provider Paid'. During this process, an ABA File will be generated, as well as remittance advice being sent (optional).

Send Remittance Advice

Select this action to send a remittance advice to the client and/or Service Provider, depending on your system settings.

Show Total Amount

Select this action to the Show the Total amount of the Invoice Selected from the Service Entry screen.

Generate ABA File

Select this action where you need to re-generate an ABA File for 'Provider Paid' invoices, to upload into your Banking System.

Approve Pending Invoices

Where you have received the client’s approval, select this action to approve any pending invoices in the system, so they will be available to claim.

Approve Declined Invoices

Select this action to approve a previously declined invoice in the system, so it will be made available to claim.

Internal Invoice Approval

 Select this action to provide internal approval to an invoice with the status 'Internal Invoice Approval'. See Invoice Status Flow for more information.


Select this action to cancel a previously created invoice.

Undo Cancel

Select this action to undo the cancellation of a previously cancelled invoice in the system.

Mark as On Hold

Select this action if you wish to place an Invoice for processing on hold.

Invoice Entry Cloning

Careview enables you to clone an existing Invoice Entry. This may be useful if your Service Providers are providing a repetitive pattern of services. Once you clone an existing record, you can then modify the entries as needed. To clone an existing Invoice Entry, click the copy icon next to the invoice record that you wish to clone.

2.      Invoice Entry Display

Invoice Record Display

  1. You can view the details of an existing Invoice Entry record by clicking on the expand   icon next to the invoice record that you wish to view.

  1. On Hold Invoices will display in Red.

  1. A Service Provider will appear in Red Text, until Bank Account Details have been added to their record.

  1. Service Provider will appear in Amber Text, if their account is made inactive.

Icon Meanings

Invoice is Paid (Note icon will not appear against any invoices where the Service Provider is your own Organisation)

Edit Icon

Copy Icon

Remittance Advice has been delivered. (A mail icon will appear in green, where the Remittance Advice has been delivered)

Invoice has Attachments.

Notes exist on the Invoice.

Screen Filters

There are restrictions in place, where you choose to filter by Date Range only in the Service Entry screen.  You will only be able to view 6 months of data at a time, where you are entering a date range only.

Where you enter either a Client Name and/or Service Provider the restriction is not applied on the Date Range Filter.

The screen can be filtered using a combination of the following:
  1. Client Name
  2. Invoice Number
  3. Status
  4. Service Provider
  5. From and To Dates
  6. Exclude or Include Provider Paid Invoices
  7. Show On Hold Invoices
  8. Page Size
The Invoice Entry filters selected will persist. For example, if you filter by a specific Client and then edit an Invoice, when you close the Invoice the Service Entry screen will still be filtered by the selected Client.

'From and To Dates': The invoices list will exclude any invoices which were not created during the date range beginnnig with the day selected in the 'From' field, and ending with the day selected in the 'To' field.

Use the Clear Filter button to clear any preset Filters selected.

3.      Invoice Entry Statuses

The below statuses are used to track the status of each Invoice Entry record in Careview.




This Status is set when you select the Invoice Entry record and then select ‘Cancel’ in the Action dropdown menu. Cancelling the record will adjust any budget category associated with the record.

Declined by Client

This Status will be set if the Client declines the Invoice from the Careview Advantage Mobile Application. This Status can be overridden under Actions | Approve Declined Invoices.

Extract Generated

This Status indicates the invoice is ready to be downloaded for claiming.


This means you’ve selected the Invoice Record and extracted it for claiming. This Status is auto-set once the NDIS claim file is created.

Internal Invoice Approval

This Status can be used if you have an internal invoice approval process in place. Invoices with this Status need to be manually approved before they can be approved/declined/viewed by the client or claimed with PRODA.

Pending Client Approval

This Status is set on the Invoice Entry if the ‘Approved by Client’ checkbox on the Invoice Entry creation page is unchecked.

The Advantage Invoicing feature can also set the number of days in which an Invoice will retain this Status before it is auto-approved in the system.

Provider Paid

This Status is set when you select the Invoice Entry record and then select ‘Mark as Paid’ in the Action dropdown menu.

4.      Settings

Careview provides the following Invoice settings, to accommodate data output and system validation preferences.

On Hold Reason Setting

The setting enables you to add your own On Hold Reasons to select from during the Invoice Creation process.

Duplicate Invoice Check Setting

The setting provides user options to determine if an invoice has already been entered in the Careview system.

Remittance Advice Aggregation

This setting enables invoices to be included in a single Remittance Advice for each Service Provider selected from the Service Entry screen. Please note this aggregation only occurs when using the Mark as Paid option.  Using Send Remittance Advice will still only generate an individual Remittance Advice.

Service Contract Management Setting

This setting will enable Invoices to be processed against Inactive Service Contracts in the Service Entry screen. It also provides the option to make a Service Contract inactive once the End Date of the Service Contract has passed.

Exclude Own Provider Paid Invoices Setting

This setting will enable you to Exclude all of your own Provider Paid Invoices from displaying in the Service Entry screen.

Weekday Services

This setting when enabled, will allow Invoices to be created, where the system has issued a warning that the delivered dates entered fall outside of the Weekday Services.

Weekend Services

This setting when enabled, will allow Invoices to be created, where the system has issued a warning that the delivered dates entered fall outside of the Weekend Services.

STA/MTA Invoice Validation

When enabled the system will check and warn a User where any Invoices already exist for any of the STA and MTA Support Items.

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