How to create new Service Bookings through Careview for Plan management

How to create a new Service Booking through Careview for Plan management

Please note to complete this you will need to have already have your HICAPS registration linked with Careview. If not please follow the steps highlighted in our How to link a HICAPS registration with Careview for APIs guide
1. Select the client you need to create the new booking for and open their profile

2. Create a Service Contract with the details that match their NDIS plan in PRODA. Please note you can pop in a $1 value as the contract total if you are unsure of the funding amount total ( this can be updated at the end )

Please note there are some exclusions where we wouldn't suggest to use the PRODA Service Booking API to sync 
If there is a Budget category with a stated item resulting in some budget category amount being left over. At the moment this can't be properly accounted for within Careview and synced with PRODA

3. Save the Service Contract, but leave it blank without Plan Budget information for now. 

4. Go back to CRM > Clients and search for the client 

5. Use the check box to select the client and click Action

6. Use the option to Sync Active Plans (this will start the connection with PRODA) if you get any errors at this stage please refer to our 
PRODA API - Service Bookings Troubleshooting guide

7. A dialog box will open to display how the progress is going. Once identified as successful open the client profile and open the Service Contract, there will be a new status identifying if the sync was successful with PRODA. If successful you can now start creating the Plan budgets that will be pushed through into PRODA as Service Bookings

Sync Active Plan Legend
Total Clients selected – Total Clients selected in the CRM > Client List.
Progress Bar – Will indicate when it has completed processing the Clients selected and will display 100% when it is completed.
Processed – Number of Service Contracts that have been processed. Success – Number of Active Service Contracts that were successfully synced with PRODA.
Failed – Number of Active Service Contracts that failed to sync with PRODA.
Uncompleted – Number of Active Service Contracts that failed to sync due to an error. i.e., API Timeout. 
8. You will first need to create a Service Booking for your Plan Management fees. To do this scroll down to Service Supports and add in the Plan Management fees (the setup cost and PM fees will be created as two separate service supports) with amounts as stated on the plan. Ensure to select the correct management style as this will influence the type of booking in PRODA. Agency = Standard, Plan Management = Plan Management. 

Each time one is created, ensure to click the refresh icon next to the create button. The status will go from Pending to Success. 

Please note For budget categories that have a stated item like CB Choice and Control. These would only be synced at the Service Support level. You would add in total budget amount under Plan Budget without enabling a Service Booking to be created in PRODA. 

10. After your Plan Management fees have been created, you can now start populating the rest of the category information. 

11. Go to Plan Budget click Create, fill in the budget amounts and tick requires a Service Booking in PRODA. You would then select the management style and click Save. You would then use the refresh button to change the status from Pending to Success. 

You would then use the refresh button to change the status from Pending to Success. 

12. Continue adding in the budget categories as required. 

13. Please note, instead of your Standard bookings being created in one Service Booking and the client's Plan managed categories in another. You will notice in PRODA that each budget or stated item will now be in it's own Service booking. This is to support the connect process as Careview will sync via the Service Booking ID. 

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