Careview Streamline Customer User Guide v1 0

Streamline User Guide

About Streamline

Streamline is designed to reduce manual invoice data entry by using Zespy’s AI document intelligence solution to read the invoice information. If the client has the required funding the invoice will be created in the Service Entry screen with the attachment.

Streamline Cost

Due to the additional partnerships involved, the cost to use Streamline is $0.78, excluding GST, per successfully processed invoice.  In order to activate the service, you must sign the Careview Streamline Master Services Agreement.

Streamline is an additional subscription service that Careview Plan Management customers can choose to enable. There is no minimum or maximum number of invoices that need to be processed through Streamline on a monthly basis.

Data Capture

At Careview, we’ve recently enhanced Streamline by partnering with Zespy, a comprehensive and adaptive invoice capture engine built specifically for NDIS invoice processing. Zespy uses advanced AI, Machine Learning, heuristics, and adaptive algorithms to deliver a 95% success rate for extracting data from NDIS-compliant invoices. * With Zespy’s integration, Streamline processes diverse invoice formats using real-time learning and historical data, resulting in fewer errors and faster processing. This makes our plan management software more powerful than ever.

*Please view the below Required Invoice Fields to determine what is required for a NDIS-compliant invoice. 

Required Invoice Fields

In order to get the best results from Streamline the invoice must have the following information:
  1. Service Provider Name and ABN Number
  1. Service Provider check uses ABN Number as the primary check
  1. BSB and Bank Account Number are used as secondary check
  1. NDIS Number
  1. If NDIS Number isn’t present, Streamline will try to use NDIS Participant Name
  1. NDIS Participant Name
  1. Invoice Number
  1. Invoice Date
  1. Invoice Total

For each line item on the invoice the following information is required:
  1. Delivered Date or Delivered From / Delivered To Dates
  1. Support Item Code
  1. Qty or Hours
  1. Rate
  1. Amount
  1. GST Reference if GST is to be included.

Validation Checks

Invoice Validation Checks

Streamline includes the same validation checks as per the manual invoice creation process:
  1. Client must exist in Careview.
  2. Service Provider must exist in Careview.
  3. Client must have a Service Contract that matches the invoice Delivered or Delivered From / Delivered To Dates.
  4. Service Contract can be Inactive if the Invoice Service Contract Management setting to enable Inactive Service Contracts is enabled.
  5. Duplicate Invoice check as per the Plan Management setting selected.
  6. Client must have enough remaining funding in the associated Category Budget and if applicable, Service Provider Category Budget and/or Service Support.

Document Formats

Streamline can read the following common image formats:
  1. PDF
  2. JPG
  3. PNG
Microsoft Word and Excel documents cannot be read.

Streamline FAQs

How much does Streamline cost to use?
The charge to use Streamline is $0.78 ex GST per successful invoice. All invoices processed through Streamline have a status depending on the results of the OCR processing as well as the data validation in Careview. The $0.78 charge is only applied once the status of the invoice is updated to Successfully Processed. 

If you process an invoice through Streamline and there are too many validation issues, you can clear the invoice and you won't be charged. If you update the invoice in Streamline and click the Create Invoice button, the status is updated to Successfully Processed and the $0.78 (ex GST) charge will be applied against your monthly Streamline subscription cost.

The use of Streamline is completely optional, you still have access to all of the same invoice creation functionality that Careview provides if you'd rather create the invoices manually.

Are there any other additional setup costs to use Streamline?
No, there are no additional setup costs to use Streamline. If you enable Streamline you will only be charged for the number of Successfully Processed invoices for the monthly period.

How does Streamline receive invoices?
Invoices can be emailed or drag/dropped straight into Streamline.

Will there be confirmation where Invoices have been sent via email into Streamline?
Yes, a confirmation notification email will be sent to the sender of invoices emailed to Streamline. This will confirm the invoices that have been received, and any files that could not be received due to being invalid.

Can Streamline process more than one invoice at a time?
Yes, Streamline is designed to process multiple invoices at the same time. They must be attached as separate attachments if using the email processing method.

Does Streamline check the client Service Contracts?
Yes, Streamline will check the client Service Contracts to make sure there is enough remaining funding to successfully create the invoice. If there isn’t enough available funding, manual intervention will be required. Streamline also checks if the Service Provider has a Service Provider Category Budget as well as a Service Support for the line item code.

Does Streamline check for duplicate invoices?
Yes, Streamline will display a warning if the invoice number already exists in the Invoice Entry tab.

Does Streamline recognise illegal characters in the Invoice Number?
Yes, Streamline will check the invoice number for characters such as '.' or spaces. Streamline will remove these characters so that the related claim is not rejected in PRODA.

How does Streamline process invoice lines for the same support item code / delivered date?
Streamline will capture each line on the invoice, invoice lines that have the same support item code and dates are not aggregated. If you are using Streamline we strongly recommend you enable the Proda File Claim Download Options setting (access to the Careview Settings page is required so please speak to your Careview Administrator to enable this setting). This setting adds -CareviewN to each invoice in the claim file, making them unique.

Is there a maximum number of pages that Streamline can process for a single invoice?
There is so set page limit. You may notice an increase in processing time for invoices over 30 pages. 

How does Zespy keep your data safe?
Security is at the core of our plan management software. Zespy utilises Azure’s robust security features to protect sensitive NDIS data and ensures adherence to strict regulatory compliance. Our best-practice architecture provides security at every level, keeping your data safe.

Are there any limits to the invoice attachment file size?
Yes, the invoice attachment must be 20MB or less.

Are there any limits to the number of attachments per email sent to Streamline?
Yes, a maximum of 250 attachments can be sent per email to Streamline.

Can embedded invoices be processed?
No, if you are using the Email processing method, the invoice must be attached as an attachment. Streamline will not process an embedded image/file in the email body text.

What email servers can we use with Streamline?
Outlook, Google and Yahoo have been tested with Streamline. Different email providers may send different configuration information with the attachment so please let us know if you experience any issues.

Can Streamline process invoices against inactive Service Contracts?
Yes, as long as the Service Contract Management setting is enabled appropriately, Streamline will be able to process invoices against inactive Service Contracts.

Will Streamline create the Service Provider in Careview if they don’t exist?
No, for the initial release of Streamline it will not create the Service Provider. This is something that the Plan Managers will need to do manually. Once the Service Provider is created, you can refresh Streamline and edit the invoice.

Please note also that Streamline will only process invoices from Service Providers that are active in your system.

Will Streamline recognise different Claim Types?
Yes, Streamline can recognise different Claim Types, such as CANC, REPW, TRAN etc. Please continue reading to find out more.

What does it mean when Streamline shows "Server Responded with 0 Code" or "Requested timedout after X seconds"?
These messages are displayed when Streamline is unable to complete uploading one or more invoices due to instability of the internet connection being used. It would be recommended to reach out to your internet service provider for assistance with addressing this.

Streamline Configuration

The following one-off configuration steps must be completed before you can use Streamline.

1.      Click on the Setting icon next to your Username.

User must have access to the setting page to perform this step.

2.      Scroll down to the Streamline setting and click General Settings.

3.      Streamline General Settings screen displays.

4.      Complete the following;
  1. Enable Streamline.
  2. Enter your organisations Streamline Email address (without entering the domain).
  3. Leave the Maximum Monthly Invoice field blank.
This email address will be unique to your Careview and will be used to email Invoices directly into Streamline.
The email domain must use e.g.
You have an option to also drag and drop Invoices into Streamline as well.

Streamline Invoice Processing

There are two methods to process invoices through Streamline.
  1. Email Method
  2. Email the invoice to the Streamline email address that you entered in Step 3 in the Streamline Configuration setting. 
1.      From the Main Menu, click on Plan Management and then click on the Streamline sub-menu.

2.      The invoice you emailed in Step 1 will appear shortly with a Status of Processing.

Processing Status indicates that Streamline is sending the invoice to Sypht.

3.      You can apply the required filters as well as sorting.

Drag & Drop Method

1.      From the Main Menu, click on Plan Management and then click on the Streamline sub-menu.

You can filter as well as sort the Streamline invoice list.

2.      Drag the Invoice from the folder location and drop it in the Submit New Invoice section.

Dragging an invoice directly from an email is not possible.

3.      The invoice that you dragged/dropped in Step 2 will appear with a Status of Processing.

Processing Status indicates that Streamline is sending the invoice to Sypht.

4.      You can apply the required filters as well as sorting.

Streamline Processing Statuses

Regardless of whether the invoice is emailed to Streamline, or the drag/drop option is used, once the Invoice finishes processing it will return one of the below results:

Requires Confirmation - this indicates Streamline was able to successfully read all of the required information from the invoice and that the related client has the required funding. The invoice is now ready to be checked in Streamline before releasing it to the Service Entry tab.

Insufficient Invoice Information - this means mandatory information wasn’t available to be read or Streamline couldn’t identify where to find the required data on the invoice. When this occurs, the invoice needs to be edited manually to resolve the issue.

Insufficient funding - this means there is an issue with the clients funding in Careview that prevented the invoice from being fully processed. When this occurs, the invoice needs to be edited manually to resolve the issue. Category budget funding on the Service Contract may also need to be adjusted manually.

Duplicate Invoice - this means the invoice already exists in Careview for the same Client and Service Provider.

Service Provider not approved – this warning means the Service Provider is not enabled to have their invoices processed through Careview. Please see Page 15 for more information.

Editing Unsuccessful Invoices

Even if Streamline cannot successfully process the invoice, it will still read as much information as possible. The invoice can then be edited within Streamline and updated as required before being processed.

To edit an invoice, click on the Edit  icon.

The Edit Invoice Screen will display the following information:

Validation Errors – these are the reasons why the invoice failed to successfully process.
Client, Service Provider, Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Invoice Total.

A Note can also be saved and will be copied when the Invoice is created in Service Entry.

The original invoice will be displayed so that it can be compared with the information captured.
PDF, JPEG and PNG files will only be supported for viewing in the Edit screen for the pilot.

The invoice lines that were read from the original invoice.

Where necessary, you can add a line to the Invoice by clicking +Add Line.

You can filter the invoice lines to just display the lines with errors by checking Show Errors checkbox.

The user can update the required information as needed.

Once all of the validation errors are resolved, the User can click the Create Invoice button at the bottom of the Edit screen. 

As well as creating the Invoice in the Invoice Entry tab with the original invoice attached, this process also sends the amended information to Sypht so that the accuracy is improved.
Releasing Successful Invoices

Invoices that have a Status of Requires Confirmation will display with a blue background in Streamline. The information can be checked and then released to the Service Entry tab, resulting in the creation of the invoice with the attachment. The invoice can then be processed as required.

How to release an invoice:

1.      Open the invoice in Streamline by clicking on the Edit   icon.

You can filter Streamline by Status = Requires Confirmation.


2.      When the Edit Invoice screen opens you can check the invoice information.

The original invoice will be displayed if it is PDF, JPG or PNG format.

3.      To create the Invoice in the Service Entry screen, click the Create Invoice button in the bottom right.

4.      The Status of the invoice will temporarily change to Processing whilst it is being created. It will then change to Successfully Processed and be visible in the Service Entry tab.

When the invoice is created in the Service Entry screen, the Status will be set based on the following logic:

If the Organisation has enabled the Invoice Status Flow setting, the Invoice will be created based on the setting.
If the Invoice Status Flow setting is not enabled, the invoice will be created as per the Client Profile All Invoices are Auto-Approved field.

When the invoice is created in the Service Entry screen, the Created By User will be set based on the User that released the invoice from Streamline.

Service Provider Streamline Invoicing Access

Validation has been added to the Service Provider records to prevent invoices from being fully processed through Streamline. If the Service Provider has not been enabled the following failure reason will be displayed:

Service Provider not approved to use Streamline. Please update their details and reprocess or create the Invoice manually.

When the invoice is edited in Streamline, the below error messages will be displayed.

How to enable Streamline processing for Service Providers:

1.      Click Resources | Service Providers and then click Action, Enable Streamline Invoicing.

2.      Select the Service Provider/s that you wish to enable Streamline invoice processing.

You can filter the list to see which Service Providers have been given Streamline invoicing access.

3.      Click Save Changes.

4      Click CONFIRM to save the changes.

5.      Click OK.

The selected Service Providers will show as enabled.

To remove access unselect the required Service Providers and click Save Changes.

User Permission Settings

A new Streamline setting has been added to the User Roles. This setting can be used to control who has access to use Streamline as well as what actions they can perform.

Setting Name
Access Streamline
This will hide the Streamline tab if disabled.
Use Drag/Drop
This will disable the User from being able to drag/drop invoices into Streamline.
Clear Invoices
This will disable the User from being able to clear invoices from Streamline.
Edit Invoices
This will disable the User from being able to edit invoices in Streamline.
Create Report
This will hide the Report button if disabled.
Reprocess Invoices
This will hide the Reprocess Invoices action if disabled.
Create Invoices
This will hide the Create Invoices button in the Edit screen if disabled.
Enable Service Provider
This will disable the ability for the User to enable the Service Provider from the Edit screen.

How to update the Streamline User Settings:

1.      Click on the Setting icon next to your Username.

User must be a Careview Administrator User to perform this update.

2.      Under Security click User Roles.

3.      Edit the User Role that you wish to update, scroll down to the Streamline section, enable the permissions that you wish to apply and click Save.

Claim Type Extraction

Streamline will attempt to extract the Claim Type from the invoice line description. Where it doesn't find a match based on the below keywords, Claim Type will be set as STAND. Please note the keyword matching is case insensitive.

Claim Type will default to STAND if it cannont be extracted.

Claim Type
Claim Type Description Matching
CANC, Cancellation, Cancelled

Note: If Claim Type = CANC, Cancellation Reason will also be extracted. If there is no Cancellation Reason in the description it will need to be manually entered in the Streamline Edit screen.
REPW, Report Writing, Report
NF2F, Non Face to Face
TRAN, Provider Travel, Travel
THLT, Telehealth Supports, Telehealth
IRSS, Irregular SIL Supports

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