Edit a Support Category Display Name
On the 27th of July, the following changes were introduced to resolve issues where a change to the Support Category Description, causes certain Reports to fail during the Download process. The current Description field will be locked down and will no ...
Review Submit Date Setting
This article explains how to change the review submit date for CoS Clients. 1. Click on the Settings icon at the top right hand side of your Careview account. 2. Scroll down to the Support Coordination section in the settings page and ...
Xero Extract - Due Date Setting
Use the following steps to set the Due Date for all Invoices created, this change will apply to all Xero Extract Files generated by the following system processes; PM Invoice - NDIS Claim CoS Invoice CoS NDIS Claim 1. Click on Settings. 2. ...
Set the Proda Cancellation Claim Fee Percentage
Use the following steps to set the Proda Cancellation Claim Fee Percentage set by the NDIS. 1. Click on Settings. 2. Under Plan Management click on Proda Cancellation Claim Fee Percentage. 3. The Proda Cancellation Claim Fee Percentage ...
Bulk Invoice Import Processing Setting
Use the following steps to enable the Bulk Invoice Processing function; Please refer to the Bulk Invoice File Import User Guide for full details of this function and what is required to gain access. 1. Click on Settings. 2. Under ...
All Invoices are Auto-Approved Setting
Use the following steps to manage the default flag for All Invoices are Auto-Approved during Client Profile Creation; 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Clients, click on All Invoices are Auto-Approved. 3. The Client Invoice Settings ...
Client Profile Field Display Setting
1. Click on Settings 2. Under Clients, click on Client Profile Field Display. 3. The Client Field Display screen displays. Fields residing under Assigned Fields will be displayed on the Client Profile. Hold down the Ctrl Key and ...
Client Statuses Setting
Use the following steps to manage your Client Statuses. The new Status will be available in the following Careview functions; Create and Edit Client Profile screens. Filter by Client Status in the following Reports/Lists; CRM - Client List Client ...
ABA File Generation - Aggregate ABA Setting
Use the following steps to enable the Aggregate ABA File, where the Commonwealth Bank doesn't allow certain accounts to create an ABA File with multiple transactions for the same Service Provider. This setting applies to Clients who bank with the ...
Xero Extract - Show Service Dates Setting
Use the following steps to enable the Show Service Dates setting, so that the Delivered Date or Delivered From and To Dates in the Description field in all Xero Extract Files. 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Integration click on ...
Exclude Own Provider Paid Invoices Setting
Use this setting to add the ability to Exclude Own Provider Paid Invoices in the Service Entry screen by Default. 1. Click on the Settings icon 2. Under Plan Management, click on Exclude Our Paid Invoices. 3. The Exclude Our Paid ...
Remittance Advice Setting
Use this setting to send out an auto generated Remittance Advice. For information relating to Remittance Advice Aggregation click here. 1. Click on the Settings icon. 2. Under Auto Generated Outputs, click on Remittance Advice. 3. Set Enable to send ...
System Support Item Setting
The following setting has been created to assist with managing any new system support items introduced under Core Supports. The 3 new Support Items introduced as part of the NDIS changes effective 25th of March are included in the new setting as one ...
On Hold Reason Settings
Use the following steps to create a list of your own On Hold Reasons that will display in the Invoice Entry screens. 1. Click on the Settings icon. 2. Under Plan Management, click on On Hold Reason. 3. The On Hold Reason screen ...
Set a Contact Type as Inactive
Use the following steps to set a Contact Type as Inactive, so it will no longer appear in the Case Note creation screen. 1. From the Top Right Navigation Bar, click on the Settings icon. 2. Under Support Coordination, click on Contact ...
Change your Company Logo
Use the following steps to change your Company Logo in Careview; 1. Click on Settings. 1. Click on the Settings icon. 2. Under System, click on Organisation Settings. 3. The Edit Organisation Settings screen displays, under Logo, click on Change. It ...
Update Contact Details on your Careview Monthly Statements
Please follow these steps to update the Contact information appearing on the Monthly Statements being sent out to your clients. 1. Click on Settings. 2. Under System, click on Organisation Settings. 3. The Edit Organisation Settings screen displays. ...
Service Agreement Email Template Setting
Use the following steps to setup your Master Templates to select from, when creating an Email to send from the Client Profile. 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Templates, click on Service Agreement Email Template. 3. The Service Agreement ...
Simple Email Template Setting
Use the following steps to setup your Master Email Templates to select from, when creating an Email to send from the Client Profile. 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Templates, click on Simple Email Templates. 3. The Simple Email Template ...
Task Priority Setting
Use the following steps to manage your Task Priority to select from when creating a Task. 1. Click on Settings. 2. Under Tasks, click on Task Priority. 3. The Task Priorities screen displays. Click +New. 4. The New Priority ...
Default Task Status Setting
Use the following steps to manage your Default Task Status in the Task Console and Create Task screens. Prerequisite - You will need to create your Tasks Statuses before you make changes to this Setting. 1. Click on Settings. 2. Under ...
Task Statuses Setting
Use the following steps to manage your Task Statuses to select from when creating/editing a Task. 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Tasks, click on Task Statuses. 3. The Task Statuses screen displays. Click +New. 3. The New Task ...
Weekly Task Reminder Emails
Use the following steps to enable Weekly Task Reminder Emails . The email is sent out every Monday at 9.00 am AEST. 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Tasks, click on Weekly Reminder Emails. 3. The Edit Weekly Reminder Email screen ...
Task Category Settings
Task Categories Use the following steps to manage your Task Categories to select from when creating a Task. Add a New Task Category 1. Click on Settings 2. Under Tasks, click on Task Category. 3. The Task Categories screen displays. ...
Create a Contact Type for Case Notes
Use the following steps to create a Contact Type for selection in your Case Notes. 1. From the Top Right Navigation Bar, click on the Settings icon. 2. Under Support Coordination, click on Note Contact Types. 3. The Note Contact Type ...
Duplicate Invoice Check Setting
An invoice is prevented from being created or saved where Careview determines that invoice to be a duplicate of an existing invoice. On the Duplicate Invoice Check settings page, one of two available options can be enabled. The chosen option dictates ...
Remittance Advice Aggregation
The Remittance Advice Aggregation setting, enables invoices to be included in a single Remittance Advice for each Service Provider selected from the Invoice Entry screen. The aggregation only occurs when using the Mark as Paid option. Using Send ...
Service Contract Management Setting
This setting will enable Invoices to be processed against Inactive Service Contracts in the Invoice Entry screen. It also provides the option to make a Service Contract inactive once the End Date of the Service Contract has passed. 1. Click on ...
How to activate Sentinel Funding Alerts.
To use the alerts they will need to activated in the Sentinel Funding Alerts Setting.
Xero Settings
Overview Careview has the capability to extract Xero extracts in CSV file format that can then be uploaded into Xero. These Xero extracts are created from the: Invoice Entry Screen (Plan Management). Support Coordination CoS NDIS Claim screen ...
Sentinel User Guide
Summary Sentinel is our alert notification system that is designed to give you proactive insights into different types of data events that occur in your Careview environment. Sentinel is designed to give our clients real time alerts for specific ...
MYOB Settings User Guide
About Careview has the capability to extract MYOB extracts in CSV file format that can then be uploaded into MYOB. These MYOB extracts are created from the: 1. Invoice Entry Screen (Plan Management). 2. Support Coordination CoS NDIS Claim ...
Create a Relationship Type
Within Careview there is already a default list of Relationship Types to choose from. But if the type you want is not in the list, you can create it by following these steps. 1. Click the Settings icon on the top right of the screen. 2. ...