Xero Settings

Xero Settings


Careview has the capability to extract Xero extracts in CSV file format that can then be uploaded into Xero. These Xero extracts are created from the:

  1. Invoice Entry Screen (Plan Management).
  2. Support Coordination CoS NDIS Claim screen (Support Coordination).
  3. Support Coordination CoS Invoices screen (Support Coordination).

Each time you create a Xero extract, 2 CSV files will be created:
  • Xero Sales Invoice
  • Xero Bill Template

Depending on your requirements, you may only need to import one of these files into Xero.

Xero Field Substitutions

There are a number of fields on the Client Profile that you can choose to extract in your Xero files.

Customer information can be passed into the Xero files using the following substitutions:


  1. Client.Profile.NDISNumber 
    1. This is the Client NDIS Number as set on the Client Profile.
  2. Client.Profile.Account.File 
    1. This is a custom field called Account File on the Client Profile.
  3. Client.Profile.Account.Code 
    1. This is a custom field called Account Code on the Client Profile.
  4. Client.Profile.ClientID 
    1. This is a custom field called Client ID on the Client Profile.
  5. Client.Profile.ServiceRegion
    1. This is the client’s related Service Region on the Client Profile.



Careview Xero Process Setup


In order to generate the Xero files from Careview, the following steps must be completed:

  • Enable the Xero Extract Setting
  • Populate the Xero fields you are using with information as required.


There are ten fields listed on the Xero Extract Settings page, and depending on how you are using Xero, you may not need to set all these up.


You may also want to check with your accountant or financial advisor when setting up these fields, to ensure the correct details are entered.


Account Code:

  • This is where you set the account code that all your invoice lines and case notes will be allocated to, when you import them into Xero as invoices.
  • For Plan Managers who are importing all the invoices they process from external Service Providers into Xero, we recommend you set this to your disbursements/clearing account code in your Xero chart of accounts.
  • For Plan Managers that are only exporting their own invoices from Careview (for monthly plan management fees, setup costs, and other services), we recommend you set this to your plan management income code from your Xero chart of accounts.
  • For Support Coordinators, we recommend you set this to your support coordination income code from your Xero chart of accounts.
  • If you use Careview for plan management and support coordination, and will be exporting to Xero for both of these, set the account code for the exports you do most often. When you do exports for the other area, you can manually update the account code in the CSV files before importing into Xero.


Tax Type:

  • This is where you set the tax type for invoice lines and case notes that have no GST on them, and needs to match exactly the name of one of your Tax Types in Xero.
  • This is usually set to GST Free Income, but please check this with your accountant or financial advisor in case they would like you to use a different tax type.
  • For plan managers - any invoice lines you export that have GST on them (GST Code set to P1) will have their Tax Type set to GST on Income in the Xero Sales Invoice file, and GST on Expenses in the Xero Bills file. Any invoice lines you export that have no GST on them (GST Code set to P2) will have their Tax Type set to what you specify in this field.


Tracking Name 1, Tracking Option 1, Tracking Name 2, and Tracking Option 2 fields:

  • If you use tracking in Xero, and want to allocate your invoice lines and case notes to the tracking areas you have set up in Xero, populate these fields.
  • The content in these fields needs to exactly match the details you have set up in Xero.
  • For each tracking area you have set up in Xero:
    • Set the Name of it in the Tracking Name field
    • Choose the option you want the invoice lines to go to in the Tracking Option field
  • If you are not sure if you’re using tracking in Xero, your accountant or financial advisor can confirm this for you and assist you with these settings.


Invoice Number Prefix:

  • You can specify a prefix for any invoices that you export from Careview into Xero, by adding the prefix in this field. This will be added to the front of any invoices or case notes extracted from Careview.
  • For Plan Managers - if you leave this field blank, the invoice numbers imported into Xero will match exactly what they are in Careview.
  • For Support Coordinators – if you leave this field blank, the invoice numbers imported into Xero will be the extraction header record number for the claim they’ve been extracted from, with a suffix for each different client in the extract. For example, if your claim is numbered NDIS-000000354, then the first client’s invoice will be numbered NDIS-000000354-1, and the second client’s will be NDIS-000000354-2.


Show Service Dates:

  • This adds the delivered date from the invoice line or case note to the end of the Description field when the invoice is imported into Xero.

Show SC Claim Type:
  • This adds the claim type code from the case note to the end of the Description field when the invoice is imported into Xero.


Due Date (Days):

  • Xero has an Invoice Date and a Due Date on any invoices that are created. Use this field to set the number of days after today’s date that you’d like the Due Date to be set to.
  • To set the Due Date to be 7 days after today, put a 7 in this field.


Table 1: Bill Template .CSV format

* Fields are mandatory 


Table 2: Sales Invoice .CSV Format  

* Fields are mandatory 



Invoice Entry Screen 

When Xero is enabled, Download Xero File will appear in the Action drop-down list in the Invoice Entries screen. The Xero Extracts will also be created when you create the Download NDIS Claim option under Action. 


CoS Invoice Claims

When Xero is enabled, Download Xero File option will appear in the Action drop-down list in the CoS Invoice Claim screen. The Xero Extracts will also be created when you create the Download NDIS Claim option under Action menu in the CoS NDIS Claims screen.

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