Existing Service Supports can now be rolled over. When initiated, this process will:
- Set the Quantity on the original Service Support to be the Total Quantity used.
- Readjust the Total based on the new Quantity.
- Automatically set the Invoice Exclusion field to checked (see below section).
- Add a Note to the Service Support to record the original Quantity and Total Amounts.
- The old Service Support will no longer be visible for Invoicing from the Invoice Entry screen or Support Coordination Client list.
A new Service Support with be created with the following:
- The Service Item will be copied from the original Service Support. This can be changed if needed.
- The QTY will be set as the Remaining Quantity based on the QTY used from the original Service Support.
- The Rate can be selected / entered.
- The Total will be calculated based on the QTY.
- Service Provider and Management Style will be copied from original Service Support.
- Exclude from Total Allocation will be set based on original Service Support.
- Once the new Service Support is saved it will then be visible from the Invoice Entry screen or Support Coordination Client list.
Use the following steps to rollover the Service Support for your client.
- Open the Service Contract.
- Edit the Service Support that you wish to rollover.
Any Service Support that has been rolled-over to a new Service Support will display in grey in the table.
- Click the Rollover button in the bottom left-hand corner.
The Remaining QTY/HRS and Invoice Exclusion checkbox are now displayed for the Service Support.
- The New Service Support (Rollover) dialogue will open.
- Service Item will be copied but can be changed if necessary.
- Quantity is populated based on remaining Quantity from previous Service Support. Quantity can be changed.
- NDIS Rate or Alternative Rate can be selected.
- If you enter the Rate from the previous Service Support it will show you the remaining balance.
- If the NDIS Rate or Alternative Rate is increasing you may need to adjust Quantity.
- Note field is populated with information from the previous Service Support.
- Total will be calculated once NDIS Rate or Alternative Rate is entered.
- Click Save to create the new Service Support.