How to create a PACE participant
Please note: If you do not have this option, you will need to contact so we can enable your organisation to be PACE active.
1. Go to CRM on the left-hand menu and click Clients
2. In the top left select Create New
3. In the client profile creation box, complete the required details for your new PACE Participant.
4. Ensure you select the NDIS PACE Participant check box on the right-hand side of the window
5. Once all the details are added click Save in the bottom right of the window
6. Once created your PACE participant will be identifiable via the purple PACE icon as seen from the CRM client list
How to Enable an Existing Client for PACE
1. Go to the CRM menu header and click Clients
2. Use the search function to find the participant profile that need to be updated for PACE
3. Open the client profile and click on the Edit button in the top left
4. Once the edit window is open, go to the check boxes on the right hand side and select NDIS PACE Participant
5. Once complete click Save
6. You will notice from the CRM client list your participant will now have the purple PACE icon. This icon will be used now throughout Careview to identify your PACE participants for you.
How to setup a PACE Service Contract
Please note updating a client to a PACE participant will not update their existing Service Contracts only new ones that are created
1. Go to CRM in the left-hand menu and select Clients
2. Use the search function in the client list to select your PACE participant and open their client profile
3. Once open, go to Client funding and select New ( if the client has had previous plans not under PACE they will still appear here for reference )
4. Start filling in the fields with the new plan's information (you will notice it will have NDIS PACE participant set to YES)
5. Once complete click Save
6. When you create the new Service Contract the purple PACE icon will display in the top banner
7. Scroll down to the Plan Budget section and click Create
8. The Add budget category dialog box will display. The new PACE categories will be in the drop down for you to select and start adding in their funding amounts
9. Once their budget categories have been added, you can go through and add in both Service Provider Category Budgets as well as Service Supports where needed.
10. When you click out of the Service Contract you will be able to quickly identify your client's PACE plan via the purple PACE icon in the Service Contract list
How to Enter an Invoice for a PACE participant
(Please note you can invoice for PACE participants through the Invoice entry and Streamline)
1. Go to Plan Management and select Invoice Entry
2. Select Create New
3. Search for your PACE participant, once selected the PACE icon will display next to their name
4. Complete the invoice details as standard
5. When you enter in the service date, it will show the PACE icon to show if the entry falls under the PACE service contract (this is a great way to ensure you are raising your pace items against the correct plans)
6. Once complete click Create Invoice
7. From the invoice entry page, you will also be able to identify your PACE invoices via the purple PACE icon
How to claim PACE invoices
Claiming PACE invoices will follow the same process as regular claiming. Please note you will be able to claim both PACE and non-PACE participants in the same bulk claim process.
1. Go to Plan Management and Select Invoice Entry
2. Ensure the Status is set to Extract Generated and the date range covers the correct invoice creation dates
3. Once filtering is set, use the top check box to select all applicable invoices
4. Go to Action in the top right and select NDIS Claim
5. The file will generate under Downloads for you to download locally to your computer, click on the blue box to start the download
6. Via your browser downloads ensure to only select "Show in Folder" ( as we want to keep the file unopen, opening the file can sometimes cause claiming issues with PRODA )
7. Rename the file to a short but unique name (an acronym of your business and the claim date is always a winner)
8. Once complete, follow the bulk payment process within PRODA
How to mark PACE invoices as PAID
There are two different ways you can mark a PACE invoice as paid (this will depend on whether your organisation has our reconciliation feature enabled or not)
Please note you can include your PACE and non-PACE invoices in the same mark as paid process
1. If you don't use reconciliation you will be able to select the PACE invoice via the invoice entry screen (filtering via the Extracted status)
2. You would then use the invoices listed
3. Once selected use the Action button and click Mark Invoices as Paid
4. If you have reconciliation turned on you will follow the standard reconciliation process.