article details the settings and fields that can be populated on your Organisation Settings page.
1. Click on Settings (gear icon in the top right hand corner next to your User Name).
2. In the System section, click on Organisation Settings.
3. You can populate the following fields in the
Edit Organisation Settings section accordingly:
- Name: The name of your organisation, as it will be referenced when dealing with us (eg. support/billing enquiries), and as it should appear in email communications or documents sent out from your organisation.
- Notifications Sender Email: The email address used as the sender (or 'From') on email communications sent out from your organisation, where no Contact Email is populated (more on this below).
- Advantage header Name: The name of your organisation as it should appear in Careview Advantage (see Careview Advantage User Guide for more information).
- Provider Registration Number: Your NDIS provider registration number as issued by the NDIA.
- Service Provider Code: This is a field that may be used to store any service provider code that may belong to your organisation, for internal reference. This would only be useful where you have a service provider code.
- Service Region: The service region that should be used for matters relating to your organisation. If an applicable service region doesn't already exist, you can create one (see Create a Service Region for more information).
- Default Billing Rate $: This field is no longer used and can be ignored.
4. You can populate the following fields in the
Invoice Settings section accordingly:
- ABN: Your organisation's ABN, as used for invoicing.
- Contact Name: The name of your organisation's primary contact as relating to invoicing.
- Contact Email: The email address of your organisation's primary contact, as used on your organisation's remittance advice.
- Contact Phone: The phone number of your organisation's primary contact as relating to invoicing.
- Contact Address: The street or postal address of your organisation's primary contact, as used on your organisation's invoice remittance advice.
- Terms and Payment Advice: Terms and Payment Advice details as relating to invoicing.
- Client Invoice Approval Default: Enable this if the All Invoices are Auto-Approved option should be enabled by default when a client profile is created.
6. In the
List Client Settings section, the
Default sort client list by drop-down field should be selected to match how you would prefer your client list to be sorted. Enable
Allied Health if your organisation needs to access the
Allied Health module instead of
Support Coordination (this can be changed at any time).
7. In
Bank Settings, enter the
BSB and
Account Number of your financial institution account which will be used when generating ABA files (See
ABA File User Guide for more information).
8. Click Save to apply your changes.