Navigate the Client Coordination Screen

Navigate the Client Coordination Screen

This screen displays sections of information about the selected Client, additionally it enables you to create new case notes and tasks.

Both the Client Profile and the Client’s Service Contract are also accessible from this screen.   See below full details on how to navigate the screen.

Access Client Coordination View

1.      Click Support Coordination from the Careview menu, then select Client Coordination.

2.      The Client Coordination screen displays. Type part of the client name in the first field, and select the full name when it displays.

3.      The Client Coordination screen for the Client displays.

Open Client Profile

Click Open Profile to display the Client Profile screen.

Open Service Contract

Click Open Service Contract to display the Client’s service contract.

Support Item Budget Summary

The support item budget is updated as soon as a new billable case note is created.

Support Timeline

The Support Timeline displays a snapshot of important dates for the Client’s support.

If the referral date is set as the same date as the start date of the plan the bar will be red. 
If the referral date is set a few weeks or months into the plan the bar will be grey until it passes the set referral date. 


The following Statement/Reports are available under the Client Coordination Screen;

  1. Client Statement
  2. Case Note Report

Case Notes Table

This list shows existing case notes for the Client. A paper clip icon indicates an attachment.

User can sort the list by clicking on the column name. This will activate the sort function, and a small arrow icon will appear next to the column header, indicating the sort direction.
  1. By default, the Case Notes list is displayed in Descending order of Created Date, from Newest to Oldest.
  2. Columns with Sort Functionality:
    1. Delivered Date: Sort by the date the service was delivered, from newest to oldest or vice versa.
    2. Status: Sort by Case Note status alphabetically in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order.
    3. Created By: Sort by the name of Case Note creator in (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order.

Client Tasks

This lists shows existing tasks for the Client.  Refer to the Articles in the Knowledgebase under CRM>Client Tasks for further instructions on how to Create, Edit and Delete

Funding Overview

This section shows a funding summary for the Client, with totals and remaining amounts

Remaining amounts relate to the amount of funding left once the Service Supports have have been setup for the client under that particular Plan Budget category

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