Move an Invoice to another Service Contract
Use the following steps to move an invoice to a different Service Contract;
note you will be unable to use this feature for Provider Paid Invoices and where a Service Contract is Inactive.
1. Click on Plan Management then select Invoice Entry from the Main Menu.
2. The Service Entry screen displays.
3. Click on the Edit Icon beside the Invoice Entry you wish to change.
4. The Edit Invoice screen displays. Under Action click on Move Invoice.
5. The Move Invoice
popup screen displays, select the Service Contract from the drop down list and
click on Validate.
6. The system will perform the following validation checks and display a warning message accordingly, where validation fails.
- Required Category is not on the new Service Contract.
- Required Category does not have enough funding on the new Service
- Required Service Provider Category Budget doesn’t exist on the new
Service Contract
- Required Service Provider Category Budget does not have enough funding on
the new Service Contract
- Required Service Support is not on the new Service Contract
- Required Service Support does not have enough funding on the new
Service Contract
7. If all Validation checks pass, click on Continue.
8. The Confirm Move popup screen will display, check the Service Contract and click on Confirm.
9. The Edit Invoice screen displays with the updated Service Contract number.
10 Click on Update Invoice.
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