This guide will take you through the layout and information provided in your Client Summary Statement
When you first open your statement you will see the opening cover letter and blurb from your Plan Managers.
In the top right corner it outlines the date range this statement is for:
On the next page there is the Budget Utilization table for your plan:
This will outline the opening balance for the support category ( first date of the statement period), the funds used will be related to the Services that have been delivered during the statement period, and the closing balance will be what the funding amount is at the end of the statement period.
The Service Provider Category Budget table will relate to what Service Agreement amounts you have with certain Service Providers.
Please note these will have to be have been setup in your plan prior to the start of the Statement period, if they are added after they will appear on next month's statement
There is also a legend to explain the percentage used traffic light system:
Depending on what option your Plan Manager has chosen, you will either see a Paid Invoice Summary or a Full Invoice Summary section.
The Paid Invoice Summary will display the Invoices that were Paid during the statement period.
It's important to note that some of these invoices will have services that were delivered outside of the statement period. These funds won't be accounted for in the Category Budget Utilization table.
If you have an invoice section that looks like this, it will display services that were raised during the statement period but not necessarily paid before the statement was generated.
It should be noted that the opening and closing balances used in this section isn't an exact reflection of funding amount allocations, for this the Budget Utilization table should be used.
On the last page there will be a full breakdown of your Plan. The Budget Timeline highlights the overall amount of funding used of your plan in comparison to the time elapsed of your plan.
The Pie Chart's will highlight your funds used by Support Area.