Careview's PACE integration can be used to save time. This is because instead of needing to enter in data manually the information can be synced into Careview from the NDIS PACE portal.
This guide outlines the process if you are wanting to sync in the budgets and delivered services for an existing Service Contract with Careview.
The +NDIS PACE process outlined in steps 6 to 8 of this article should only be performed where there are no existing delivered services in the service contract.
1. Ensure the client has access to use the PACE API by clicking on Edit and confirming these two options are ticked
2. Go to the existing PACE plan in Careview and click open
3. Use the top left NDIS option to start the sync with PACE
4. A dialog box will display, from here click the Retrieve PACE Plan button
5. If successful select the Plan you wish to sync from the drop down. Once selected click Yes, Sync with PACE
6. After the you select Yes, Sync with PACE and the process has been completed successfully scroll to Plan Budget and use the NDIS PACE Budget button to pull in the budget categories from PACE.
the creation of a new Service Contract via the PACE API, the system automatically
generates a DS adjustment record for services that have already been delivered
i.e. by a Previous Plan Manager for the participant. As part of this process the following will be updated on the DS Adjustment record.
- Support Item Number will be set to Blank.
- Support Item Description will be set to "NDIS PACE API Budget Adjustment Record".
- Service Provider Name will be set to "NDIA refer to PACE" except where the Category = Choice and Control, then the Service Provider Name will be set to "Previous Plan Manager".
- The following note text is applied.
"NDIS PACE API Budget Adjustment record. Note: a) Only the Total Amount of services delivered to date for the Support Category have been provided in the PACE API record. b) The Service Support Item used has been applied for budget adjustment purposes only."
7. A dialog box will display for you to select which categories you would like to sync in (by default they are all selected)
8. After you click create the Plan budgets and delivered services will be synced with PACE (please note it will only sync in budgets that are not already created in Careview. If you have existing budgets please use our
how to sync existing Plan Budgets with PACE API guide)