Please note before this can take place your organisation will need to be PACE active (please contact if not). Also your client will need to have the NDIS PACE participant check box enabled. More on this can be found in our How to enable a PACE client.
1. Go to CRM in the left-hand menu and select Clients
2. Use the search function in the client list to select your PACE participant and open their client profile
3. Once open, go to Client funding and select New ( if the client has had previous plans not under PACE they will still appear here for reference )
4. Start filling in the fields with the new plan's information (you will notice it will have NDIS PACE participant set to YES)
5. Once complete click Save
6. When you create the new Service Contract the purple PACE icon will display in the top banner
7. Scroll down to the Plan Budget section and click Create
8. The Add budget category dialog box will display. The new PACE categories will be in the drop down for you to select and start adding in their funding amounts
9. Once their budget categories have been added, you can go through and add in both Service Provider Category Budgets as well as Service Supports where needed.
10. When you click out of the Service Contract you will be able to quickly identify your client's PACE plan via the purple PACE icon in the Service Contract list