Entering funding for support coordination clients

Entering funding for support coordination clients

To enter the funding for your support coordination client, open the service contract by going to the CRM section on the menu, clicking on clients and selecting the client's name. On the client profile screen, go to the client funding section showing at the bottom of the screen and click the open link on the service contract. The first section to add in is the plan budget. This is where you enter the total amount of support coordination funding on the client's plan that you'll be claiming against for your support coordination work. Click on the new link on the right side of the plan budget section and on the add budget category window, select coordination of supports, enter the budget amount and click save. Check that the total allocation value at the top of the screen matches the total funding.

If you need to update the total funding value, click on the edit button in the top left corner, update the total funding value and click save. If your client has funding for other support categories that you're not looking after, you can choose to enter these for reference purposes. When adding these into the plan budget section, just tick the exclude from service contract allocation total stick box before you click save.

By ticking this, you're telling Careview that you're not looking after the funding for that category and it won't be added to your total allocation. If you're going to keep the remaining funds for these items up to date, you'll need to manually update their values each month when you receive the client's plan management statements. Scroll down to the service support section to record how the support coordination funds are going to be used. Click on the new link out to the right side of the service support and the create service support screen appears.

In the service field, search for the support coordination item either by name or by its support item number and select it from the list. You can then use the NDIS rate field to select the applicable rate for the item based on the client's location and the relative end-us price guide. If you're charging less than the NDIS rate, select use alternative rate and enter the rate manually in the rate amount field.

As soon as you enter the quantity, you'll see that the rate amount and quantity are multiplied to provide you with a total at the bottom of the screen. Move to the management style field and use this field to select who you'll be sending your claims to for your support coordination work. If you're claiming direct from the NDIS, choose agency. If you'll be sending an invoice to the client's plan manager or the client themselves for payment, then select plan manager or self-managed accordingly. If you selected plan management, select the name of the plan manager in the service provider field. If the plan manager isn't available to select when you search for them, you'll need to go to the resources section, click on service providers and add them in here first. You'll notice the exclude from service contract allocation totals tick box is already ticked. This is because the value of the service support will already be showing in the plan budget section under the support coordination category and you don't want to show this twice in the total allocation. When ready, click the save button. If you provide multiple support coordination services to your clients, create as many service supports as needed. Once all the funds and the coordination of supports category in the plan budget have been allocated, you have successfully set up your clients funding.
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