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Weekday Service & Weekend Service Settings
On the Create New Invoice and Edit Invoice pages, validation checks and warns the user where an invoice line has a selected delivered date or delivered date range that falls outside of the day or days of the week on which that service can be ...
Duplicate Invoice Check Setting
An invoice is prevented from being created or saved where Careview determines that invoice to be a duplicate of an existing invoice. On the Duplicate Invoice Check settings page, one of two available options can be enabled. The chosen option dictates ...
Create an Invoice Entry
This feature is designed to enable Plan Managers to quickly enter a Service Provider Invoice entry into Careview for claiming. 1. Click on Invoice Entry from the Main Menu. 2. The Service Entry screen displays. Click on the + Create New button. 3. ...
Bulk Invoice File Import
The Bulk Invoice File Import feature will enable Careview Plan Management and Service Provider clients to upload a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to process their Invoices and/or Services. This feature will validate the CSV file to ensure the ...
STA/MTA Invoice Validation Setting
On the 'Create New Invoice' and 'Edit Invoice' pages, validation can check and warn the user where any invoices already exist (for the selected service provider) with the same delivered date or coinciding delivered date range as a currently entered ...