Enabling Notifications in Careview Advantage on iOS
The following steps can be helpful if issues are being experienced with receiving mobile notifications in Careview Advantage, or where there may be a need to re-enable notifications after having previously disabled them.
1. In the app settings for Careview Advantage, check 'Mobile Data' is enabled. Tap 'Notifications'.
2. In the 'Notifications' settings page, check that
Allow Notifications is enabled. Check that the applicable
Alert types are enabled.
3. Where notifications have been enabled, you should see a notification (similar to that demonstrated in the screenshot below) when an invoice is either processed, or pending your approval.
4. If issues continue to be experienced in receiving mobile notifications, it would be recommended to uninstall and reinstall Careview Advantage. On next signing into Advantage, it would be necessary to
Allow notifications when prompted (as demonstrated in the screenshot below).
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