Careview Client Profile - Edit Profile

Edit a Client Profile

Use the following steps to edit a client profile. 

1.      Select CRM  > Clients from the menu to display a list of all client profile records. 

2.      Click in the Search field and type the client’s name, email or NDIS number then click Search.

3.      The client record displays.  Click any one of the fields to open the record.

4.      The client record displays in the following format. Click Edit.

5.      The client record opens, ready for you to edit. Make any changes you require.

  1. Where a client has the status 'Active', they will count against your subscription, and service records (eg. case notes, invoices) can be created for them.
  2. If you didn’t enter an email address when you created the Client Profile, you will be required to enter it here. Only one email address can be entered.
  3. Select 'Client' or 'Relationship', to determine whether the profile belongs to a client, or instead a relation of one or more clients.
  4. Any other email addresses the client's email correspondence should be received to. Multiple addresses can be entered, separated by a semicolon.
  5. To select more than one value in the Service Type field, hold the CTRL key while clicking those values.
  6. Enabling 'Monthly Statement Opt Out' will result in the email address in the 'Email' field not receiving automated monthly statements (email addresses in the 'Additional Emails' field, and the Support Coordinator if configured, will still receive statements).
  7. If 'All Invoices are Auto-Approved' is ticked, any invoice being created for the client will have its 'Approved by Client' option toggled to 'Yes' by default.
  8. If 'Send Postal Statement' is ticked, the client will not receive statements via email. Instead, they will be emailed to the address in the 'Postal Statement Email' field on the relevant Plan Management Statement and/or Support Coordination Statement settings pages.

6.      Click Save when you’ve finished editing the client record.

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