Careview - Support Coordination

Edit a Case Note

Use the following steps to Edit a Case Note:

If a case note needs to be edited but that Case Note is already in a claim or invoice file, the Revert a Case Note process will need to be followed before editing. 

1.      Click Support Coordination from the Careview menu, then select Client Coordination.

2.      The Client Coordination screen displays. Type part of the client name in the first field, and select the full name when it displays.

3.      The Client Coordination screen for the Client displays.

4.      In the Case Notes Table, click on the Edit icon, next to the Case Note you wish to change.

5.      The Edit Case Note screen displays.  Make the necessary changes.

6.      To change whether a Case Note is Billable or Non-Billable, via the Edit Case Note screen, dependent on the following criteria.  There are sufficient funds at the time you change a Non-billable case note too Billable.  You will be unable to change the Billable status of a Case Note where the Case Note status is either Extracted or Provider Paid. From the Edit Case Note screen, simply click on the Toggle box to select whether it should be billable or non-billable and click on Save.  

See below system changes that will occur in the Case Note Table in the Client Coordination and Service Contract screens, dependent on your selection in the Edit Case Note screen.

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