Duplicate Invoice Check Setting
An invoice is prevented from being created or saved where Careview determines that invoice to be a duplicate of an existing invoice.
On the Duplicate Invoice Check settings page, one of two available options can be enabled. The chosen option dictates which invoice values are considered when determining if the invoice being created or saved is a duplicate of an existing invoice.
If Check based on Client Name, Service Provider and Invoice Number (default) is enabled, Careview will prevent creating or saving the invoice where an existing invoice has the same Client, Service Provider and Invoice Number.
If Check based on Service Provider and Invoice Number is enabled, Careview will prevent creating or saving the invoice where an existing invoice has the same Service Provider and Invoice Number.
Where an invoice exists with values [Client: John Smith], [Service Provider: ABC Speech] and [Invoice Number: INV-123], attempting to create or save an invoice with values [Client: Steven Graham], [Service Provider: ABC Speech] and [Invoice Number: INV-123] will have a specific result depending on the Duplicate Invoice Check option currently enabled.
- If Check based on Client Name, Service Provider and Invoice Number is enabled, validation will allow for the invoice to be created (assuming no other errors exist).
- If Check based on Service Provider and Invoice Number is enabled, validation will prevent the invoice from being created or saved.
1. Click on the
Settings icon.
2. Under Plan Management, click on Duplicate Invoice Check.
3. Set one of the available options to Enabled.
4. Click Save.
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