Creating case notes for remote and non remote rates

Creating case notes for remote and non remote rates

If you're working with remote or very remote clients, you can set up Careview to let you claim the remote rates when you're visiting the clients and the non-remote rates when you're providing indirect supports from a non-remote location. When setting up your client's funding, work out how much of their support coordination funding you'll be using remotely and how much will be used locally. Create a service contract for your client and enter their total support coordination funding in the plan budget section. Then create a service support for their remote rates. Leave the additional CoS rates apply box set to no and the service support will be set up based on the region you've selected on the client's profile.

Select the support item number, then go to the NDIS Rate field to select the remote rate from the price guide and enter your remote hours in the quantity field. Set your management style to tell Careview how the case notes will be claimed. Use Agency to claim direct from the NDIS or Plan Managed or Self Managed if you need to send invoices to their plan manager or the client directly to be paid. If they're plan managed, you can also select the name of their plan manager in the service provider field. Click Save and the service support is created. You can then click the Client button to create a service support for your non-remote location using your remote one as a starting point. Set additional CoS rates apply to yes and select the region for your office's location.

Set the rate using the NDIS Rate field and enter the hours in the quantity field and click the Save button. When you go to the support coordination section and view your client list, you'll see two lines showing for your client, one for each location that you'll be supporting them from. The region each line relates to will show in the service region column. To enter your case note, select the line for where the activity took place. Go to the Create Case Note section on the right side of the screen and enter your case note details. You'll see the service region shows here to confirm you're entering the case note against the right location and if you need to change this for any reason, you can click on the Support Item field and select the other location. Fill in the details for your case note. Enter the date, contact type and hours, then fill in the subject line and case note details and attach any supporting files.

When you're ready, click the Save button. The funding will update to reflect the time that has been used and the case note will be added to the case note list below. You can view the case note by clicking on the View Note symbol in the Case Note list. If you need to change any details, click on the Edit Case Note symbol instead, then save your changes. When you go through your claiming process, the region you set on each case note will be used to ensure the case notes are claimed at the correct rate.
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