Creating case notes

Creating case notes

You can create case notes for your clients on the client coordination screen. You can access this screen in two ways. Firstly, you can go to support coordination, click on clients, and select the client's name. The other way is to go to support coordination, click on client coordination, then search for and select your client.

This method is useful when the client is with you and protects the privacy of your other clients by not revealing their details. The left side of the screen shows you a summary of the client's funding sourced from their service contract. You can see the support category name, total funding, and the remaining values. The support timeline shows you how the funding has been used so far in relation to the length of the service contract.

A red bar will appear as you enter billable case notes to reflect the funds being used. Today is showing on the timeline as well to show you how much of the client's service contract has already passed. The projected end date field shows you when the funding will last too if it continues to be used at the current rate.

The field shows red when the funds won't be fully used and green if the funds will be used before the service contract ends. To create your case note, go to the create case note section. Use the hours field to record the length of time, then set the delivered date for when the activity happened. Use the contact type field to select the type of case note you are creating. The type list is unique to your care of your organisation and you can reach out to your system administrator if any changes are required. Choose the support item you are claiming against in the support item field. If you are only providing one type of service to the client, you can move to the next field. If the case note relates to a service provider, you can select them in the service provider field.

If they don't exist yet, you can create them using the blue plus button. You can also leave this field set to your organisation name if no service providers are involved. If you do specify the service providers in this field, you can filter the client's case notes to show the ones that relate to them. Enter a brief description of the activity in the subject line field. You've got up to 50 characters to use here and we recommend using words that your clients will understand as this field is showing on their client's statements. All the case notes you enter into Careview will be billable, unless you tick the non-billable tick box.

Non-billable case notes won't be claimed from the client's funding. Attach any relevant files by dragging them into the attachments section or selecting them from your computer. You can attach up to three files to each case note and each file can be up to 10 megabytes in size. Enter your full case note in the case note field.

Once you start typing, the character count will display showing how many characters you've entered. You can enter up to 20,000 characters here and can paste texts in from any emails that you've sent out for this case note as well. When your case note is complete, you can click the save or the save and clone button. Saving clone will pre-populate all the case note fields for your next case note to speed up your data entry. When you save your case note, the funding summary and timeline will update to reflect the billable time used. Your case note is displayed in the case note list further down the screen. To view the details, click on the red plus and if you need to update anything, click the edit button on the left, then save your changes.
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