This process enables you to create all of your monthly invoices for your active Plan Management clients.
This process does not create invoices for the Plan Management set up fee.
Process Overview
The process provides a summary that includes:
- Total Clients in your Careview.
- Total PM Clients (Based on Service Type containing Plan Management Client).
- Total Active PM Clients.
- Total Inactive PM Clients.
- Clients with an Inadequate Improved Life Choices (ILC) budget based on the Invoice Rate.
- Clients with no ILC Budget on their Service Contract.
Screen Overview
If the active PM client doesn’t have enough remaining funding in their ILC budget they will display at the top of each page in
Where the PM Client does not have an ILC budget on their Service Contract they will display in orange.
Clients that have the required ILC funding are displayed in blue.
Data Validation
Some of the validation that applies when you create a single Invoice also applies when you use this process:
- A Client must have Status of Active. Inactive, Deceased and Pending Clients are ignored.
- The Client Service Type must contain Plan Management Client.
- The Client must have the Plan Management Current Rate field populated on the Client Profile, if it is not populated it will not display for selection. This field will be used to set the Rate when the Invoice is created so it is important that the correct rate is entered.
- The Client must have a Service Contract that meets the selected Invoice Date.
- The Service Contract must have the Improved Life Choices category in the Plan Budget table.
- There must be enough remaining funding in the Improved Life Choices category budget to process the Invoice.
- Inactive Service Contracts are ignored.
- If there are two or more Service Contracts with ILC budgets that meet the Invoice Date requirements, the process will select the Service Contract that has the newest creation date.
- If there is a Service Support on the selected Service Contract for 14_034_0127_8_3, it will be adjusted accordingly.
Processing Time
This process has to navigate its way through 4 levels of data for each selected Client:
1. Client Profile.
2. One or more Service Contracts.
3. Improved Life Choices category budget.
4. 14_034_0127_8_3 Service Support.
Processing times may vary, depending on how many Client records are included in the process. The process will run in the background, and it is capable of processing large volumes of data.
Create Monthly Plan Management Invoices
Use the following steps to create the monthly PM invoices.
1. Click
Invoice Entry to open the
Invoice Entries screen. From the
Data Loader options, click
Create Monthly PM Invoices.
2. A notification will appear which shows when the process was last run, total invoices created, total invoice amount and who processed the last PM Monthly Invoice Creation run.
3. The
Monthly PM Invoice screen displays. Select the required
invoice date. This will be set on all the invoice created.
coloured bar – from left to right – shows the numbers of Total Clients, Total PM Clients, Active PM Clients, Inactive Clients, clients with an Inadequate ILC Budget, and clients with No ILC Budget.
4. Enter an
Invoice Number, for example, 240919.
If you leave the
Invoice Number field blank, it will use the default Careview invoice number – NDIS-000001717. Please also consider PRODA’s constraints in terms of the invoice number characters.
5. Click the checkbox for
Append NDIS Number to include the PM clients’ NDIS number with the invoice number, for example, 240919-430988000. Uncheck the box to remove the NDIS Number from the invoice number.
6. Check the
Select All checkbox, or manually select the clients for whom you want to create invoices.
If you
select all, only clients that have the required ILC funding will be selected and you’ll see the number of Clients selected, as highlighted in green in the screenshot below.
You can edit the Rate field within the screen, however
note that this will also update the rate in the related Client Profile.
You can open any Client Profiles that may need adjustment by clicking on the Client Name in the list.
7. Click
Create Invoices.
8. The PM Invoice Creation Summary screen displays. Click Confirm.
Once you Confirm this cannot be automatically undone.
9. A status bar appears displaying the progress of the invoice creation process.
10. Once the system process has been completed, the Status Bar will alert you to how many invoices have been created. The completed processed number should be the same as what the system has Uploaded.
11. Open the Invoice Entry screen to view your Invoices that are ready to be downloaded for claiming with PRODA.
Budget Adjustments
When the process has completed, the following updates will occur on each of the selected Client Service Contracts:
1. The Improved Life Choices budget in the Plan Budget table will be reduced by the Total of the new Invoice.
2. If you have created a Service Provider Category Budget for your own organisation for Improved Life Choices, the Remaining Amount will be adjusted.
3. If you are using a Service Support for 14_034_0127_8_3, the following will be adjusted:
- Remaining Hours
- Total Delivered