Create Invoice where Qty Exceeds 2 Decimal Places
This feature is designed to accommodate the entry of an invoice where the Qty provided in the Service Provider issued Invoice for payment, exceeds 2 decimal places.
The feature accommodates the requirement to enter invoices where Service Providers stipulate quantities that exceed 2 decimal places and applies the necessary quantity format of 2 Decimal places, as stipulated by the NDIS for the NDIS Claim extract.
2. Where you will be creating an invoice for several line items, where quantities in the Service Provider Invoice are both 2 decimal places and more. Create the line items with a qty of 2 decimal places before you set the Auto Calculate toggle box to Yes.
3. Upon clicking to set the Auto Calculate toggle box to Yes. The Create New Invoice screen will display the following;
- Only the Rate and Total fields will be made active, and based on the data entered into these two fields, the system will automatically calculate the Qty required to two decimal places.
- A new line item will be added automatically to make the necessary adjustment, so the Total will calculate correctly.
Invoice received for two line items;
- Coordination of Supports with a quantity of 2; and
- Consumables with a quantity of 0.3333 and rate of $271.59, which comes to a Total of $90.52.
1. From the Create New Invoice screen, enter line item for Coordination of Supports with details as per Invoice.
2. Click to enable the Auto Calculate toggle box.
3. Enter the Rate of $271.59 and Total Amount of $90.52 and the system will carry out the following system
- Calculate the Qty to 2 decimal places in the Line Item 1.
- Auto create Line Item 2 with the amounts required to come to the Total entered of $90.52.
4. Click on Create Invoice.
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