Careview Client Profile - Create Alert

Create Client Profile Alert

It’s useful to create a Client Alert when you need to be notified whenever any selected screens are opened. When you create an alert, you specify the screens where the alert will be active.  When any of these screens are opened, you’ll see the alert.

You can assign an alert to the following screens:

  1. Client Profile
  1. Service Contract
  1. Support Coordination (Client Coordination screen)
  1. Invoice Creation

Use the following steps to create a Client Profile Alert.

1.      Open the Client Profile record (click CRM in the menu, click Clients, then search for the client profile you want).

2.      Click Client Alerts.

3.      The Client Alerts table displays.  Click New.

If there are no alerts, the message “Client has no active alerts". displays.


4.      The Create Client Alert screen displays.

Complete this screen as follows:
  1.  In the Alert field, type the text to display on the alert.
  2. The Status field defaults to Active.
  3. Click the check boxes for each of the screens to which the Alert will apply.
  4. Click Save.

5.      The Alert is added to the Client Alerts table and will apply when any of the selected screens are opened for the client.

6.      When a screen that has a Client Alert applied is opened, the Client Alert displays. Click OK to close the Alert.

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