This feature is designed to enable Plan Managers to quickly enter a Service Provider Invoice entry into Careview for claiming.
Complete this screen as follows:
- In the Service Provider field, you can either enter the name to search, select from the drop down list.
Click on Add to Add a New Service Provider
- In the Provider Invoice Number field, type the number of the Service Provider’s invoice.
If you don’t enter an Invoice Number, Careview will set the Invoice Number based on the NDIS reference number.
- In the Provider Invoice Date field, type the date of the Provider’s invoice.
- In the Invoice Notes field, type any notes that are relevant to this Delivered Service.
- In the Attachments field, simply drag and drop a file to attach to the invoice.
- In the On Hold Reason field, click to select from the drop down list.
On Hold Reason fields to select from are managed in Settings.
- The ABN will be pre-populated in the ABN Field, where the ABN is present in the Service Provider record and where the Service Provider is the Organisation the ABN will be retrieved from the ABN field in the Organisation Settings. Enter it into the field as required.
ABNs are compulsory for Plan Managers to include for BULK Payment request files. If the ABN is not supplied one of the following exemption codes must be entered within the ABN Field from the Invoice Creation Screen:
- EXCLS can be used if the Service Provider is exempt from quoting an ABN under Australian Taxation Office (ATO) rules.
- REIMB can be used if it's a reimbursement to a participant who has paid for a support or service using their own money.
Currently in Careview, if you are processing a reimbursement you can enter the Service Provider's ABN in the ABN field in the Create New Invoice screen. This will then be extracted when you generate the payment request CSV. Please note that the ABN entered when the invoice is created will not be saved against the related Service Provider record.
- Click on the Approved by Client toggle box, to set it to Yes, if the client has approved the Delivered Service.
- Click on the Auto Calculate toggle box, where the Service Provider has issued an invoice with a qty that exceeds two decimal places. Refer to Article - Create Invoice where Qty Exceeds 2 Decimal Places for further instructions on this process.
Where a valid Service Contract exists, the Service Contract Number will display.
- Click the Add Line button.
- The Invoice Type field defaults to STAND, but can be changed to CANC, REPW, TRAN or NF2F as required.
Where you Select Type " CANC", one of the following Cancellation Reason codes must be chosen.
- The GST Code field defaults to P2 (GST Free), but can be changed to P1 as required.
- In the Delivered Date field, type or select the date from the calendar when the service was delivered.
If you don’t set a delivered date, you must enter Delivered From and Delivered To dates.
The valid Service Contract and End Date will be displayed based on the Delivered Dates entered.
- In the Plan Category field, select the plan category for this service.
The remaining funding for each Plan Category will be displayed.
- In the Support Item field, type part of the service support item number, then select the relevant item from the list that displays.
The valid Service Rate will display once you selected the Support Item.
- In the Hours field, type the number of hours for the Support Item, if that applies.
If you type hours, you cannot also specify a quantity.
- In the Quantity field, type the Quantity of the service if that applies.
If you type a quantity, you cannot also specify hours.
- The Rate field, this can be automatically applied to the Invoice line item by clicking on the Rate after the line item has been added
- The GST field, will fill automatically by default.
- All Total fields will fill automatically.