Create a CoS Case Note Report - All Clients
Use the following steps to Create a CoS Case Note Report for all Clients.
1. Click on Clients under the CRM Main Menu.
2. The Client List screen displays. Click on the Reports button, and choose CoS Case Note Report from the Menu.
3. The Generate Case Note Report popup screen displays.
Complete the following;
- In the Start Date and End Date fields, type or select the date range of delivered dates among case notes that should be included in the report.
- Click on the available radio buttons, to select the desired Report Content.
4. Click on Generate Report.
5. The Download screen displays. Click on the Case Note Report file to Open.
Where a Case Note has been entered as Non Billable, the following will be reflected in the Report;
- Case Note Status cell will reflect that it is “Processed”.
- Header Reference cell will reflect that it is “Non Billable”.
- DS Number cell will reflect that it is “Non Billable”.
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