Careview Client Profile - Client Task

Create a Client Task on the Client Profile

Create a client task on the client profile, using the following steps.

The client profile Status must be Active or Pending (System Status only) to create a task.

1.      Open the Client Profile record (click CRM in the menu, click Clients, then search for the client profile you want).

2.     Click Client Tasks.

3.     The Client Tasks table displays.  Click Action, then select Create Task.

4.      The Create New Task screen displays.

Complete this screen as follows:
  1. In the Task field, type a short description of the task.
  2. In the Category field, select a category from Intake, Plan Management or Support Coordination.
  3. The Due Date field defaults to the current date. Click in the field to select the due date from the calendar.
  4. In the Status field, select a status for the task.
  5. In the Priority field, select the priority level for the task.
  6. In the Attach Document field, click the attach image and select the file to attach. The document name displays below the Priority field.
  7. Tick the Send Reminder checkbox to receive a reminder for this task.
Task Reminders are sent out 24 hours before the Task due date entered.
  1. In the Note field, type any relevant information about the task.
  2. Click Save.

5.     The Task is added to the Client Tasks table.

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