Careview - Support Coordination

Create a Case Note

Use the following steps to Create a Case Note (includes information on how to create both billable and non-billable case notes)

1.      Click Support Coordination from the Careview menu, then select Clients.

2.      The Client list screen displays. Type part of the client name in the first field and then hit enter

Depending on what filtering options you have selected your client may not display. If they are not listed try toggling to ALL 

If the client has multiple Service Supports their will be a client record with each different Support item

3.      The Client Coordination screen for the Client displays.

4.      Under Create Case Notes on the Client Coordination screen, complete the following fields;
  1. In the Hours field, select the time taken.
  2. In the Delivered Date field, type or select the date from the calendar when the service was delivered.
  3. In the Contact Type field, select the relevant Contact Type.
  4. In the Support Item field, select the Service Support Item.
  5. In the Service Provider field, select the Service Provider.
  6. In the Subject Line field, add the relevant description of the Case you are entering.
  7. In the Case Note field, add the relevant notes in relation to the Case.  E.g. Notes of what was discussed during the Meeting or Phone Call.
Contact Types are managed under Settings> Support Coordination> Contact Types

Tick the Non Billable check box if you don’t want to take any funding from the support item.

You can only attach 3 files at a time to a Case Note.
5.      Click Save or click Clone & Save to create another case note and update fields accordingly.

6.      Your new Case Note will appear in the Case Notes Table on the Client Coordination Screen.

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