Careview enables you to create a new Service Contract by copying specific information from a current client Service Contract.
Use the following steps to clone an existing Service Contract;
1. Open the Client Profile record (click CRM in the menu, click Clients, then search for the client profile you want).
2. In the Client Funding table below the Client Details, click to Open the Service Contract you wish to clone.
3. The Service Contract screen displays, click on the Clone button.
4. The Clone Service Contract popup screen displays.
Complete the following details;
Set all Plan Dates.
Click to select the checkbox against the available Clone Options.
Although Careview allows creating a PACE Service Contract by cloning from a non-PACE service contract, you will need to check and add additional
budgets for any relevant categories that have been introduced by PACE.
your organisation is using Careview's PRODA Integration, you will be able to use it to add the missing PACE budgets. If not using PRODA Integration, it would be necessary to add the missing PACE budgets manually, so you can can create services against those categories.
Where you do not select any of the available options, only the Service Contract Details will be copied into the new Service Contract.
5. Click on Clone & Save.
6. New Service Contract screen displays.
Status of Current Service Contract is set to Inactive.
When a client has been given a new plan from the NDIS, to save time you can use their existing service contract in Careview to create the new one. To do this, go to CRM, Clients, Locate your client and open their current service contract. Click the ...
Use the following steps if you wish to Delete a Service Contract. If you have entered any delivered service records against the Service Contract, the system will not allow you to delete the Service Contract until you have deleted all delivered ...
This process can be used if you are wanting to hide particular tables from being viewed in the Service Contract screen. 1. Go to the Settings icon in Careview 2. Scroll to Clients and select Hide Service Contract Tables Settings 3. Use the toggle to ...
This setting will enable Invoices to be processed against Inactive Service Contracts in the Invoice Entry screen. It also provides the option to make a Service Contract inactive once the End Date of the Service Contract has passed. 1. Click on ...
To create a service contract for your client, go to the CRM section on the menu, click on Clients and select your client. On the Client Profile screen, go down to the Client Funding section and click the new link on the right hand side. The Create ...