We are pleased to announce that Streamline is being deployed into Production as part of this release.
As per recent communications, Careview has partners with Sypht. Australia's leading AI document generation platform to create Streamline, our new invoice creation service.
A promotional video can be checked out on our website for more information.
We have been working with the team at Chilli, making sure that the branding changes reflected our core
values. We could not be happier with how things have come together.
Client Statement Setting
Client Statement Setting Validation
The following validations have been introduced to resolve recent issues reported.
Statement Type Selection
Where the Enable Auto Generated Statement Setting is Enabled. Either the Client Summary or Detailed
Statement options must be selected.
Where neither option has been selected the system will present an
error message upon saving the setting. Any changes will not be saved.
Statement Setting Changes
No changes will be allowed on the Day the Statement is set to run. To avoid statements being triggered to
send again.
Example – Where you have the Client Summary Statement enabled and the Day field is set to 1. You will be
unable to change the Statement Type to Detailed Client Statement on Day 1.
Where any setting change is made on the scheduled statement run date, the system will present an error
message upon saving the setting. And changes will not be saved.
Organisational Setting
New Allied Health Setting
A new setting has been created that when enabled, will rename all current Support Coordination screen
titles, menus, and field names etc. to “Allied Health”, to accommodate our clients who provide services
under the Allied Health banner i.e., Occupational Therapists.
Please use the following steps to enable this feature
1. From the Settings screen, under System, click on Organisation Settings.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Enable the Allied Health toggle box
3. Click on Save