Effective 25 March 2020, the NDIS announced, that participants can flexibly use their Core or Capacity Building budgets for support coordination. To allow participants to use their funds more flexibly, three new support coordination items have been introduced to the support catalogue under Core Supports, Assistance with Daily Life as follows:
We have created a new setting to assist with managing any new system support items introduced. The 3 new line items are included in the new setting as one of 7 default line items (the 4 existing Support Coordination line items are also included).
In order to add additional Support Items to enter billable and non-billable hours against Case Notes using the Client Coordination page, we have created a new Setting:
You can now create the Service Support with any of the line items included in the setting.
Where you have added a new Support Item number in the Service Supports, they will be available to select during Case Note Creation.
The Support Coordination Client List will display all Coordination of Support Items entered in the participants Service Contract in the Client List. Additionally, we have added the following Columns to easily identify these new Support Items.
We have also ensured that where Delivered Service records are created for all of the new Service Support Items, this data will appear in all of the existing Claim, Invoice Extracts, Careview Reports, Dashboards and Statements respectively.