Careviewgo is designed for Service Providers to enable their Support Care Workers / Allied Healthcare professionals to access shift / appointments schedules from Android and iOS devices. The app integrates with the Careview CRM Staff View scheduling module, which in turn integrates with client funding and claiming processes.
Careviewgo enables Users to add Case Notes (using voice-to-text data entry) that are then saved against the Client Profile Notes in the CRM. Time-in-attendance is also captured which can be exported to CSV for payroll purposes.
Additional functionality, such as Availability Management and Shift Offers will be added over time.
Careviewgo is priced at $30 per user / month and is now available in the Google Play and App Stores. Please contact me if you would like a demonstration.
Diagram 1: Careviewgo Agenda View and Appointment Detail Forms
A new Subject Line field has been added to the Case Note creation entry. The purpose of this field is to provide the client with a short summary of the Case Note (50 character limit) in the new Support Coordination Activity Statement (due for release in February). Please also note that an update to the Case Note edit modal will be released later this week.
Diagram 2: Screenshot showing Service Provider Table
Diagram 3: Support Coordination Statement
The MYOB Sales Invoice CSV file generated for Support Coordination NDIS claims has been modified to include the extracted date (Date Column).
You can now download your Client Profiles to CSV format. Click on the CRM Clients tab and then click Download to CSV option under the Actions button. The process extracts all Client Profile records, including those that are inactive.
Diagram 4: Client CSV Download
You can now bulk-upload Service Provider records. The uploading process checks the Service Provider name doesn’t match an existing record in the system. Navigate to the Service Provider list in the admin settings and click Upload From CSV and follow the instructions.
Diagram 5: Service Provider CSV Upload