Careview Release 18 - 1 November 2019

Careview Release 18 - 1 November 2019


Plan Management:

  1. Invoice Entry Pagination
  2. Cancelled Invoice Alert
  3. Bulk Invoice Loader.


  1. Client Alerts
  2. Relationship Setting
  3. Note Filtering / Searching.

Service Contracts:

  1. Delivered Service Validation Check
  2. Delivered Service Report.


Following entities moved to SQL:
  1. Invoice Headers
  2. Service Providers
  3. Services
  4. Service Rates
  5. Support Categories.

In Progress

Plan Management:

  1. Support Coordination Portal
  2. Public APIs for Budget Validation, Invoice Creation and Attachment Storage
  3. Budget Credits
  4. Redesign of Statements
  5. Redesign of the Invoice Creation / Edit screens

Support Coordination

  1. Rebuild of the CoS NDIS Claims screen

Plan Management

Invoice Entry Pagination

To reduce the large amount of data that is being continually loaded into the Invoice Entry screen we have added pagination (50 Invoices per page). In some cases we have noticed our clients entering a search period over a year, which causes all Invoices created in the past 12 months to be queried and returned to the page. This consumes a lot of processing which can have an impact on other Careview clients. Pagination will resolve this issue.

If you use an Invoice Status Filter, such as Extract Generated and check Select All, all Invoices that match the selected Status will still be selected. A count will also be displayed below the To field in the top section of the screen.

The page count, number of selected invoices and page forward and back buttons have been added to the bottom of the Invoice list.

Cancelled Invoice Alert

An alert will now be displayed if a new Invoice is created for an invoice number that has previously been cancelled for the selected client.

Bulk Invoice Loader

Plan Management and Service Provider organisations that are using Careview will be able to bulk upload a CSV file to generate Invoices through the Invoice Entry screen. These can then be downloaded for claiming with PRODA. 

This feature will initially only be released to 2 customers so that live testing can be performed. Additional information will be provided once this feature is released to all of our clients.


Client Alerts

Alerts can now be created on Client Profiles to provide Careview Users with important information alerts. When an alert is created it can be made active in the following screens:

  1. Client Profile
  2. Service Contract
  3. Support Coordination (Client Coordination screen)
  4. Invoice Creation.

Multiple alerts can be created and displayed where required.

To create an alert:

1.      Open the Client Profile and click on the Client Alerts link in the left hand profile menu.

2.      Click New in the Client Alerts table.

3.      Enter the Alert and select which screens to display the alert in.

4.      When any of the selected screens are opened for the Client, the alert will be displayed, e.g.,

  1. When you open the Client Profile
  2. When you open a Service Contract
  3. When you create a new Invoice
  4. When you open the Client Coordination screen.

5.      To close the alert click OK.

6.      To disable the alert, either edit the alert and change the Status to Inactive or delete the Alert.

Relationships Setting

You can now add your own Relationship Types

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Scroll to the Clients Section.
  3. Click Client Relationship Types.
  4. Click + New.
Please note that the existing system types cannot be modified:

Notes Filtering / Searching

The Notes table on the Client Profile can now be filtered by Note Type. You can now also search for specific words using the search field.


Delivered Service Validation Check

To prevent accidental deletions, Service Contracts cannot be deleted if there is one or more Delivered Services.

Delivered Services Report

You can now create a report that includes all Delivered Services processed against a Service Contact by opening the Service Contract and scrolling down to the Delivered Services table. To create the report, click the Delivered Service Report button.

You can then select the date range as well as the Service Provider/s that you wish to create the report for.

When ready, click Generate Excel. A new download will be created.

Download the Excel file to view the report.