Careview Release 16 - 10 September 2019

Careview Release 16 - 10 September 2019


Task Management:

  1. New Task Management functionality

Support Coordination:

  1. Updates to Client Coordination page
  2. CoS Case Note Report

Plan Management:

  1. New Invoice Entry exclusion checkbox


  1. Client List Loader Update

In Progress

Plan Management:

  1. Monthly PM Invoice Loader
  2. Bulk Service Provider Invoice Loader
  3. Budget Credits


  1. Client Goals Rebuild
  2. Client Alerts

Careview Task Management

About Tasks

Careview’s Task Management functionality is a free update and whilst we have tried to design it to be flexible so that all of our Careview clients can use it, we cannot guaranteed that it will meet the specific needs of every organisation.

Features and Benefits

Careview’s Task Management functionality is designed to enable our Clients to coordinate and manage Tasks directly from Careview. The functionality enables:

  1. Ability to set Users as Tasks Masters, enabling the User to create and reassign Tasks to other Careview Users.
  2. Ability to set custom Task Statuses, Priorities and Categories.
  3. Ability to receive weekly Task Reminder emails.
  4. Ability to set default Task statuses.
  5. Ability to view all Tasks from a central Task Console.
  6. The creation of Tasks for specific NDIS Participants.
  7. Tasks created for specific NDIS Participants are saved on their Client Profile.
  8. The creation of Tasks that are not related to specific NDIS Participants.
  9. Ability to set Due Date, add a Note and attachment to a Task.
  10. Ability to complete, cancel, reassign Tasks.
  11. Ability to filter the Task Console by:
- Client
- Assigned To User (only available if Task Master)
- Category
- Priority
- Status
- Due From and Due To date range.
- Ability to view all Overdue Tasks (Status not equal to Complete and Due Date before Today’s Date).

Task Master

A new checkbox has been added that gives the User the ability to be a Task Master.  A Task Master can:

  1. Create Tasks for other Careview Users.
  2. View and edit Tasks created for any Careview User from the Task Console.
  3. Reassign Tasks to any Careview User.

Task Setting

A new setting has been added that controls some of the Task configuration.

Task Categories

This setting enables Careview clients to create their own Task Categories. Please note you must create at least one Category before you can start creating Tasks in Careview. To add a new Task Status click the 

+ New button.

Default Task Status

This setting controls the default Task Status in the Task Console as well as the default Status when Tasks are created. Please note this is an org-wide setting (the same defaults are applied for all Users when viewing the Task Console or creating new Tasks).

Weekly Email Reminder

Careview can send a weekly summary of all Tasks that have been assigned to each Careview User. The reminder will be emailed on Monday morning at 9am AEST and will show all assigned Tasks that have not been completed or cancelled.

Task Priorities

This setting enables Careview clients to add their own priority list to the Task. This list will be displayed in the Task Creation and Task Edit screens as well as in the Task Console as one of the default filters. As well as creating your own Priority list you can also control the order of the list.

Task Statuses

This setting enables Careview clients to add their own Task Statuses. Please note that there are four system statuses that cannot be changed or deleted. To add a new Task Status click the 
+ New button.

Task Console

The new Task Console (accessible from the CRM Tasks tab) enables Careview Users to view all Tasks from one central point in the system.

Task Console Filters

The Task Console can be filtered in a number of different ways:

  1. By specific Client
  2. By Assigned To staff member
  3. By Category
  4. By Priority
  5. By Status
  6. By Due From / Due To Date ranges.

Combinations of filters can also be applied, e.g., by Assigned To and then by Category.

Task Icons

Each Task will display with one of five icons:

     Edit icon.
      Delete icon - once a Task is deleted it cannot be recovered. Once a Task is completed it cannot be deleted.
       Note icon - it will only display if the Task Note field is populated.
    Attachment icon - it will only display if an attachment has been added to the Task.
   Task Expansion icon - located in the far right-hand column of the Task List. It will only be displayed if the Task has a     Note and/or Attachment.     

Overdue Tasks

Any Task that is overdue will display in red in the Task Console. You can also filter the Task Console by all overdue tasks by clicking the 
Show Overdue button.

List showing all Tasks

List filtered by Overdue Tasks

Task Action Button

The Action button enables the following:

  1. Update one or more Tasks to Complete.
  2. Reassign one or more Tasks to another Careview User (only available if you are a Task Master).
Complete and Cancelled Tasks cannot be reassigned.
  1. Create the Task Report by selecting one or more Tasks.


Creating Tasks

A new Task can be created from three separate locations in Careview:

  1. Task Console
  2. Client Profile
  3. Support Coordination - Client Coordination page.

Tasks created for specific Clients will be visible from all of the above locations in Careview.

Task Console Task Creation

To create a new Task from the Task Console, click the 
+ Create New button and complete the below fields:

  1. Enter the Task description.
  2. A Task can be assigned to a specific Client or can be a standalone Task that is not Client-related.
  3. Select the Category (the Category list is populated from the Task Categories Setting).
  4. If you are a Task Master you can assign the Task to another Careview User.
  5. Set the Due Date.
  6. Select the Priority (the Priority list is populated from the Task Priority Setting).
  7. You can add an attachment to the Task.
  8. You can add a Note to the Task.
  9. Click Save or Save & New to create another Task.


Client Profile Task Creation

To create a new Task from a Client Profile:

  1. Open the required Client Profile.
  2. Click on Client Tasks and then under Action, select Create Task.

  1. Complete the below fields and click Save or Save & New.
Please note that because the Task is being created against the Client Profile you do not need to select the Client.

Support Coordination Task Creation

The Client Coordination screen has been updated with a new Client Tasks table. This will show all Tasks created for the Client as well as enable the Support Coordinator to create new Tasks.

To create a new Task:

  1. Open the required Support Coordination Client from the Support Coordination Client list.
  2. Scroll down to the Client Tasks table and click Action, Create Task.

  1. Complete the below fields and click Save or Save & New.
Please note that because the Task is being created against the Client Profile you do not need to select the Client.

Updating Tasks

To update a Task click the    icon next to the Task name. Once the Edit Task screen opens you make the required update such as:

  1. Reassigning the Task to another Careview User (Tasks Masters only).
  2. Updating Status and Due Date.
  3. Adding an attachment.
  4. Updating the Note field.

Task Reminders

Careview will send a reminder email to the assigned Careview User the day before a Task is due to be completed. 


Weekly Reminder

Careview can send a weekly email that lists all incomplete Tasks to each assigned Careview User. The weekly reminder is scheduled to send at 9am AEST each Monday. To send the Weekly Reminder you must enable it via the Weekly Email Reminder Setting.

Support Coordination

Client Coordination Update

As well as the new Task integration, the Client Coordination Case Notes table has also been updated:

  1. The table has been made full-width.
  2. The Subject and a new Billable field are now displayed.
  3. The old Edit and Deletion actions have been replaced with icons.
  4. You can now expand the Case Note row to view the attachments and the full Case Note.

CoS Case Note Report

The CoS Case Note Report has been updated to include Non-billable Case Hours as well as the Total Amount for each Case Note (Total is also summed by Support Coordinator).

If the Case Note is Non-billable the Status will = ProcessedDS Number and Delivery Amount will be blank.

Plan Management

Invoice Entry Update

A new checkbox has been added to the Invoice Entry screen called 
Exclude Provider Paid Invoices. The purpose of this field is to prevent Invoices that have been marked as paid from loading into the screen by default. 

To view Invoices that have been paid you will need to uncheck the new field.


Client Loader

The CRM Client Upload and Download files are now in the same format. The process has also been modified so that an existing Client Profile can be updated. As an example, you can download your full client list, update the Plan Management Current Rate field and then upload the edited file back into Careview.

The upload process uses the NDIS Number as the primary key to check if the client already exists in Careview. For this reason each row in the upload file must have the NDIS Number populated. If you do not have the NDIS Number you can use a dummy number and then edit the record later.