This release includes a number of functional updates to the Plan Management Statements:
These new features can be enabled from the Client Statement Setting (click on the gear icon next to your user name in the top right-hand corner of the screen, scroll down to Auto Generated Outputs and click on Plan Management Client Statement).
Diagram 1: Client Statement Setting
To enable this feature, set the Cc CoS toggle to Yes in the Client Statement Setting. The automated process will then send the statement to the Client’s Support Coordinator. The Support Coordinator must be added as a Service Provider against the Client Profile. This change only applies to the automated statement creation process. Manually created statements will need to be downloaded/emailed to the Support Coordinator.
Diagram 2: Screenshot showing Service Provider Table
Diagram 3: Filter On Picklist
You can now add additional content to the statement (maximum of 500 characters). The content is displayed as the last paragraph on the first page of the statement. Please ensure you test your new content by manually generating a statement from the Service Contract screen. To add custom content, enter the text in the Custom Content field in the Client Statement Setting.
Diagram 5: Position of custom content on statement
We’ve updated the statement so that it displays the related Category Budget name using a gray header as the first row in the category table. This is particularly relevant to the Core Budget table, where multiple Categories are being displayed in the one table. We’ve also updated the messaging when a Category budget is included on the Service Contract, but is not being managed by the Plan Manager.
Once the automated process has finished, a summary email will be sent that displays the result of the process. The email will include total number of clients that received a statement, total number of clients that the process bypassed and total active clients in your Careview. Please note that date/time in the email is in UTC.
Sentinel is our new notification system that’s designed to give our customers better visibility on different types of events. We’re commencing BETA Testing in live production environments with a small number of Careview customers with the aim of a wider release in the next 2 weeks.
Events can be time-based or information-based. Examples of time-based events that Sentinel can track include:
Examples of information-based events that Sentinel can track include:
We’re building a library of different types of events that you can choose to enable. For example, if you have Support Coordination clients, you can enable the Progress Report and Review Submit alerts. If you’re a Plan Manager, you can enable the budget category alerts.
The Sentinel Service is an additional subscription that you’ll be able to choose to enable. The Sentinel subscription costs $25 per month for our clients that are on any of our monthly plans. For clients that are on annual site subscriptions, Sentinel is included in your subscription.
Once Sentinel is enabled, it will constantly run, checking data in your Careview and then generating the alerts. You can also schedule how often you would like an alert to be generated, e.g., weekly, daily etc.
We’ve updated our subscription tracking processes so that it more accurately tracks the functionality that you need to access. This helps to ensure that Users don’t incorrectly process information in the wrong tabs. You can choose to subscribe to additional features at any time by simply upgrading your subscription, e.g., going from Plan Management to both Plan Management and Support Coordination.
Customers that have subscribed to one of our monthly Plan Management subscriptions will now only have access to the following tabs:
Customers that have subscribed to one of our monthly Support Coordination subscriptions will now only have access to the following tabs:
Customers that have subscribed to one of our Plan Management and Support Coordination Combination monthly subscriptions will now only have access to the following tabs:
Customers that are on our Service Provider Annual Site Subscription plans will continue to have full access to all Careview tabs.