Careview Release 15 - 26 August 2019

Careview Release 15 - 26 August 2019



New fields added to Client Profile:
  1. Plan Management Current Rate
  2. Exit / Deceased Date
  3. Agreement Signed Date
  4. Additional Emails.
  5. Temporarily removed Client Profile Deletion option.

Plan Management:

  1. NF2F Claim Type added to Invoice Creation.
  2. Service Contract End Date validation added Invoice Creation.
  3. Automated monthly stated updated to send to multiple email addresses.

Support Coordination:

  1. Statement Automation.

Upcoming Releases

The below major updates are our priority over the next 2-6 weeks:

PM monthly invoice creation (Phase 1):
  1. Will initially be CSV data loader.

Invoice / Service Loader (In Progress):
  1. Enable bulk upload of invoices / service entries via Invoice Entry screen
  2. Initial Development is 4-6 weeks away.
  3. Currently looking at Eziscan Web App as potential OCR integration solution.
  4. Client Goal enhancement.
  5. Adding Goal Task assignment and progress tracking.


New Fields Added to Client Profile

Four new fields have been added to the Client Profile:

Additional Emails
  1. Added to Creation and Edit screens
  2. Used by the automated statements process to enable sending the statements to additional email addresses.
  3. Multiple email addresses can be added and must be separated by a ; character, e.g.:; ;;
  1. Including whitespaces before and after the ; separator is optional and won’t affect the process.

Agreement Signed Date
  1. Added to Creation and Edit screens.

Exit / Deceased Date
  1. Added to Edit screen.

Plan Management Current Rate
  1. Added to Creation and Edit screens.
  2. Will be used by the Monthly PM Invoice generation process to create the Invoice.

Removed Client Profile Deletion Option

We’ve had a number of clients accidentally delete client profiles, which, aside losing important information, also impacts claiming processes in the system. 

The Delete Client button in the top right of the Client Profile page has been replaced with the Inactivate Client button.


Plan Management

Non-Face-To-Face Claim Type

Plan Management and Service Provider clients can select NF2F as the 
Type when adding a new invoice line in the Invoice Entry screen.

Service Contract End Date Validation

When creating an Invoice, the Delivered To date is now validated. If it is after the Service Contract End Date, a warning will be displayed and the Invoice cannot be created.

Support Coordination

Automated Statement

Support Coordinators can now automatically send the CoS Statement to their clients using the Client Profile Email and Additional Email fields. The auto-generated Statement will include all Case Notes entered in the previous month.

To enable the process:

1.      Open the Setting page and scroll down to the Auto Generated Outputs Sections.

2.      Click on Support Coordination Statement.

3.      Enable the setting and enter the Day of the month to send the statement.

4.      If you have Clients that want their Statement posted:
  1. Enter a Postal Email Address in the setting.
  2. Edit the Client Profile and check the Send Postal Statement checkbox.

5.      Click Save.