Client Funding
Bug Fixes:
Please note that the 4 System settings – Active, Deceased, Inactive and Pending will remain and are unable to be changed.
The new Status will be available in the following Careview functions;
Please refer to the Knowledgebase Article – Client Statuses Setting.
Field Name | Field Type |
Setup Completed By | List |
Assigned To | List |
Field Name | Field Type | Screen |
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander | List | Create/Edit |
Participant consents to engaging in the auditing process | Checkbox | Edit |
Setup Completed By (Who Completed the Client Profile) | List | Create/Edit |
Assigned To | List | Create/Edit |
Price Rise | Date | Edit |
English is Primary Language | Checkbox | Create/Edit |
Other Primary Language | Text | Create/Edit |
Interpreter required | Checkbox | Create/Edit |
Cultural Requirements | Text | Create/Edit |
Allergies | Text | Create/Edit |
Living Arrangements | Text | Create/Edit |
Interests | Text | Create/Edit |
Please refer to Knowledgebase Article – Client Profile Field Display Setting.
Coming Soon – Newly Designed Client Profile Screen.