Invoice Entry Download optimisation
Invoice Editing
CoS NDIS Claims extract updated
to include reference number
New Client Reports added for PM
and CoS
Inactive Clients Status display
o Advantage Invoicing.
The below updates are our priority over the next 4-8 weeks:
Ability to generate a client
profile in PDF format
Enhancement to Invoice Editing
ABA File generation
PM monthly invoicing
Enhancement of Client Goals to
include associated tasks, completion dates and task status
Capability to extract Case
Notes from the Client Coordination view
Automation of the CoS
CoS Case Note reporting
Client Budget reporting
Client Invoice reporting
The bulk claims generated from the Invoice Entry screen have been modified to run concurrently instead of using serialisation, which reduces processing times significantly.
Invoices can now be edited from the Invoice Entry screen. Clicking on the edit icon (pencil) will now open the invoice edit screen, enabling the following changes to be made:
- Change the Provider Invoice Number
- Modify Delivered Date or Delivered From / Delivered To Dates
- Modify Hours or Qty
- Update Rate
- Enter Notes against each service item.
More complex editing functions are currently being built, such as being able to make Status changes for individual invoice lines, being able to add new invoice lines, and being able to resubmit claims for individual invoice lines.
Please note that invoices cannot be edited once the Status has been updated to Provider Paid.
Clients with a Status of Inactive are now dispalyed with a gray font in the Client List.
This report provides a breakdown of the Improved Life Choices category budget. In order for the Client Profile to be extracted to this report, the following must all be true:
This report provides a breakdown of the Coordination of Support category budget. In order for a Client Profile to be extracted to this report, the following must all be true.
This report provides a combined breakdown of revenue relating to Improved Life Choices and Coordination of Support category budgets. In order for a Client Profile to be extracted to this report, the following must be true:
Additional reports will be added to future releases including case note reports, total budget reports and invoice reports.
When activated, this feature will push Invoices entered in the Invoice Entry screen into the Careview Advantage mobile application, giving NDIS Participants greater control and visibility on how their funding is being consumed.
Advantage Invoicing is an additional subscription add-on and costs $1 per month per Careview Advantage User. Only Client Profiles that have been given access to Advantage are included in the count.
The initial release includes the following functionality:
- View invoices based on invoice date.
- Open the original invoice (if attached in the Invoice Entry screen).
- View invoices that are pending approval.
- Decline or Approve invoices.
- If an invoice is declined, an email can be automatically sent to the related service provider.
- Keep track of the invoice status, e.g., approved for payment or paid.
- Ability to auto-approve the invoice if no action is taken in the mobile app.
Please contact me if you would like a demonstration.