Careview Release 1st to 11th January 2020

Careview Release 1 - 11 January 2020

Release Notes

Subscription Updates:

·       Sentinel and Advantage Invoicing are now free for all clients to use.

 Plan Management / Service Providers:

·       Bulk Invoice Loader

·       Invoice Entry Filters

·       Invoice Duplication Check Setting

ABA File:

o   Generate ABA File action update

o   ABA File Sorting.

Remittance Advice:

o   Invoice Aggregation

o   Date Paid.

 Support Coordination:

·       Client List Summary

·       Client List Setting

·       Enabled creation of CoS Statement from Service Contract Case Note table.


·       Improved Relationship creation process.

Service Providers:

·       Moved Service Providers under Resources tab in main left-hand menu.


·       20% Funding Tracking Alerts.


·       New Service Contract Setting.


·       Welcome Letter Template.

Bug Fixes:

·       Fixed issue with Service Contract Remaining Amounts rounding

·       Fixed issue with Invoice Entry deselect action

·       Fixed issue with Alerts when copying existing Invoices

·       Fixed issue with PM Statements GST calculation for P1 Invoice Lines where it previously wasn’t showing the GST inclusive total

·       Fixed issue with Support Coordination Case Note move function when selecting across multiple pages in the Service Contract

Case Note table

·       Fixed issue with CoS Statement wrapping

·       Fixed issue with Support Coordination Client List not extracting all clients when CoS Client count greater than 250 clients

·       Fixed issue with Client Goal wrapping for Strategy rows.

Plan Management/Service Providers

Invoice Entry Loader

Our Plan Management and Service Provider clients can now import a CSV file via the Invoice Entry screen that contains multiple invoice / service entries. Careview will validate each entry in the file against the existing budgets. Where all validation passes, a new invoice entry is then generated.






Placeholder Only



Must match existing NDIS Number in Careview.






Must match existing Service Provider record in Careview



Must meet Bulk NDIA claiming process



Used to set the Invoice Date.



Must match the sum of InvoiceLineTotal, e.g. if there are two invoice lines with respective totals of $50.00 and $75.00, InvoiceTotal must = $125.00

Must include GST Amount if one or more of the related Invoice Lines has InvoiceLineGSTCode = P1.



Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 10/01/2020

Must be populated if InvoiceLineFromDate / InvoiceLineToDate are empty

Must meet the Start and End Dates of an active Service Contract

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.



Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 10/01/2020

Must be populated if InvoiceLineDeliveredDate is empty

Date cannot be after InvoiceLineToDate

Must be on or after the Start Date of an active Service Contract

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.



Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 10/01/2020

Must be populated if InvoiceLineFromDate is populated

Date cannot be before InvoiceLineFromDate

Must be on or before the End Date of an active Service Contract

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.



NDIS Support Item Number, e.g., 15_038_0117_1_3

Must be supplied as it is used to determine correct Category budget

Category budget must exist and have enough remaining funding.



Must be in HHH:MM format, e.g., 2:00, 2:15, 2:30

Must be populated if InvoiceLineQuantity is empty



Must be in DD.DD format, e.g., 1, 2.25

Decimal place is optional

We recommend always using InvoiceLineQuantity



Cannot be greater than current Support Item Number r$ Rate



InvoiceLineHours x InvoiceLineRate OR

InvoiceLineQuantity x InvoiceLineRate

We recommend always using InvoiceLineQuantity



Can be left blank if GST Free otherwise must be set to P1

If = P1 InvoiceLineTotal must include GST amount



Can be left blank unless ClaimType is one of:

·       CANC

·       REPW

·       TRAN

·       NF2F.


Required if InvoiceLineClaimType = CANC

Can be left blank unless InvoiceLineClaimType = CANC. Then column must be one of either:

·       NSDH

·       NSDF

·       NSDT

·       NSDO.

This process uses the supplied Support Item Number to determine the required Category funding to use on the active Service Contract. It will also consume funding from related Service Support Category Budgets and Service Supports if they exist and are applicable.

Please note that in order for you to have access to this feature you will need to schedule in a short 15-minute training session with our support team. Please send an email to with the Email Subject of “Bulk Invoice Creation Training”. One of our team will then add you to a group training session, which will be delivered online using Zoom.

Invoice Entry Filters

The Invoice Entry filters will now persist. For example, if you filter by a specific Client and then edit an Invoice, when you close the Invoice the Invoice Entry screen will still be filtered by the selected Client. To clear the filter you can either remove the filter manually or click on the Clear Filters option, which is positioned just underneath the Action button towards the top-right of the Invoice Entries screen.


Duplicate Invoice Check Setting

A new setting called Duplicate Invoice Check has been added. The setting provides two options in terms how Careview will determine if an invoice has already been entered:

1.       By Client, Service Provider and Invoice Number (Default). With the default both of the below invoices can be created.

a.       Devon Hamon, ABC Speech, INV-123

b.       Carter Hamon, ABC Speech, INV-123

2.       By Service Provider and Invoice Number (Client validation is ignored which would prevent the 2nd invoice above from being created).


ABA File

Two minor changes have been made to the ABA File creation process:

1.       The Generate ABA File option in the Invoice Entry screen now has an option to also send the related Remittance Advices:

a.       Select one or more Invoices, click Action and then click Generate ABA File.

b.       If you don’t wish to send Remittances, please uncheck the Send Remittance Advices checkbox.

2.       ABA File is now in Invoice Creation Date order, oldest first.

Remittance Advice Aggregation

A new setting has been created that enables invoices to be included in a single Remittance Advice for each Service Provider selected from the Invoice Entry screen. Please note this aggregation only occurs when using the Mark as Paid option. Using Send Remittance Advice will still generate individual Remittance Advices.


1.       Open the Remittance Advice setting under the Auto Generated Outputs section in the Settings.

2.       Set Enable aggregate remittance advice field to Enabled.

3.       When Invoices are selected and the Mark as Paid action is used, a single Remittance Advice will now be created.

Please note this process does not change the ABA File. It will still contain a payment transaction for each Invoice selected for each Service Provider.

Remittance Advice Email

The Remittance Advice Email now includes the Invoice Number/s in the Subject Line.

Support Coordination

Client List Summary

The following budget summary information is now displayed when a Support Coordinator is selected from the Support Coordination Client List:

·       Total Hours - sum of all Support Coordination hours for all clients allocated to the Support Coordinator

·       Total Hours Used - sum of all Support Coordination hours used for all clients allocated to the Support Coordinator

·       Total Hours Remaining - sum of all remaining Support Coordination hours for all clients allocated to the Support Coordinator

·       Total Hours This Week - sum of Support Coordination hours entered by the selected Support Coordinator for the current working week.

Please note if All is selected in the Support Coordinator list, summary information is not displayed.


Client List Setting

Default CoS Client List checkbox has been added on the Provider record. When checked it will set the default in the Support Coordination Client List to All instead of the logged in Support Coordinator User.

CoS Statement

Statements can now be created from the Service Contract Case Notes table.


Relationship Creation

When creating a new Relationship the record type is now Relationship by default.


Service Providers

Service Provider List

The Service Provider List is now located in the main left-hand menu under the Resources tab. Search field has been added (User can hit Enter instead of clicking annoying Search button [(Other Search buttons in Careview will be removed in due course)]).


20% Remaining Funding Alerts

Two new alerts have been added to Sentinel:

·       Service Contract has less than 20% total funding remaining

·       Category Budget has less than 20% remaining.

To use the new alerts they will need to activated in the Sentinel Funding Alerts Setting.


Service Contract Management Setting

This setting will enable Invoices to be processed against Inactive Service Contracts in the Invoice Entry screen. It also provides the option to make a Service Contract inactive once the End Date of the Service Contract has passed.

1.       Open the Settings page and scroll down to the Plan Management section.

2.       Click on the Service Contract Management Setting.

3.       To process Invoices against inactive Service Contracts from the Invoice Entry scree set the below field to Enabled.

4.       To automatically set the Service Contract to inactive once the End Date is past set the below field to Enabled.

5.       Click Update to save the changes.


Simple customisable email templates are being added in Careview under a new Setting called Templates. The templates will enable Careview customers to:

1.       Activate the required templates.

2.       Set a From Email Address that the template will be emailed from.

3.       Create their own simple custom content using a Rich Text editor.

4.       Substitute client information such as First and Last Name as well as NDIS Number.

5.       Add Files that will be used as attachments when the template is emailed.

When Templates are enabled they can then be manually emailed from the Client Profile page.

Please note this process is not suitable for building complex templates that require merging more complex information such as client funding data. With this technical infrastructure in place we can now build more complex custom templates at a development cost of $1500.00 per day. Please email for more information. 

Welcome Letter Template

The first template we are making available is the Welcome Letter Template. To create the Welcome Letter Template open the new Template setting and click Create Welcome Letter Template under the Action button.

1.       Enter the Name of the template.

2.       Enter the From Email Address.

3.       Add the required Content.

a.       You can merge Client Firstname, Lastname and NDIS Number into the template:

                                                   i.      Dear [[FIRSTNAME]],

                                                 ii.      Dear [[FIRSTNAME]] [[LASTNAME]],

                                               iii.      NDIS Number: [[NDISNUMBER]].

4.       Attach any documents such as PDFs that you would like attached when the template is emailed. Make sure the file size complies with email attachments file size requirements otherwise your email may not be able to be delivered to the recipient.

5.       Click Update.

6.       To send the template, open a Client Profile.

7.       A new Action button will be displayed.

8.       Select the Send Welcome Letter option.


9.       The below dialogue will be displayed to enable you to make edits to the email before it is sent (this does not change the default template contents). An example where you might want to edit the content is if the Welcome Letter is being sent to a parent or nominee rather than the NDIS Participant.

10.   Click Send Email.

a.       A new note will be added to the Notes table with a Note description of Welcome letter.

11.   The email will be sent to the specified email address along with any required attachments.

Work in Progress

Careview Connect

Careview Connect is a new web application that has initially been designed to enable Careview organisations to share information with other Service Providers. One example of how it can be used is to enable Plan Managers to share information with Support Coordinators (the Support Coordinators don’t need to be Careview clients). Client information displayed in read-only format will include budget and invoice/service delivery. Additional information will be added such as Client Goals and Service Rosters.


Eventually we will make Careview Connect available to NDIS Participants to access their funding and other relevant information. Due to our longer-term product strategy we will not be enabling Careview Connect to be customised or branded. We are aiming to release Careview Connect by the end of January.

Invoice Entry Updates

The Invoice Entry, Invoice Creation and Invoice Edit screens have been redesigned with additional functionality added that includes:

·       Drag and drop to add attachments

·       Invoice Note field

·       Separate display for GST

·       On Hold Reason

·       Add / remove Invoice lines when editing


Support Coordination NDIS Claiming Updates

The CoS NDIS Claiming process is being updated. Currently Case Notes are being aggregated once the NDIS extraction record is created. With this update the aggregation will occur when one or more Case Notes are downloaded meaning each individual Case Note will be displayed in the extraction record. Other changes include:

·       All Case Notes that are pending extraction to be displayed by default (specific date ranges can still be applied as needed)

·       Once the NDIS extraction header is created, all or selected Case Notes can be downloaded

·       The screen can be filtered by specific Client/s as well as by Case Note Status

·       Client and Support Coordinator Reports can be run

·       Case Notes can be updated to Provider Paid

·       Case Notes can be reverted.

This update will be released by the end of January.

Service Scheduling

We have started developing new scheduling consoles that integrate client NDIS funding with staff availability and other allocation logic such as skills and qualifications as well as client preferences. The complete system, including mobile app will take 6 months to bring online.

New Case Management Console

The Support Coordination tab is being cloned to create a new Case Management module. The new tab will enable billable hours to be captured against any support item number. The new module is planned for release mid-February.


A new Reporting tab is being developed to enable customised reports to be created. The first report will be released by the end of January with additional reporting queries to follow.