Careview - Invoice Entry

Bulk Invoice File Import

The Bulk Invoice File Import feature will enable Careview Plan Management and Service Provider clients to upload a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to process their Invoices and/or Services. This feature will validate the CSV file to ensure the required data is available before then validating the file against existing data Client budgets in Careview.

If all validation requirements are met Invoices will be created in the Invoice Entries screen for Plan Managers to then download for claiming with PRODA. For existing Careview Service Provider clients, Delivered Service records will be created that can then be downloaded from the Service Delivery Tab.

This process uses the supplied Support Item Number to determine the required Category funding to use on the active Service Contract.  It will also consume funding from related Service Support Category Budgets and Service Supports if they exist and are applicable.

How to Get Access

Go to Settings > Plan Manager > Bulk Invoice Processing and select enable. Select the Default Creation Status and click save. 

CSV File Format Requirements

Use the following Table to check that you have entered the data correctly in the Bulk Invoice File Import CSV Template before attempting to Import into Careview.

To download the template go to Invoice Entry > Bulk Invoice Import.

Click on the Bulk Invoice Import link and select Download Template.

Please note also that the order of data within the file must be the same as the Column ID order and that the Column ID itself is not required in the CSV file.  All Column Names shown in red are mandatory.

Column ID

Column Name


Required Format



Each Careview customer has a unique 36-character Organisation ID number. This column is a placeholder only.

OrgID will be provided by Careview. The column is not required to be populated.


Client NDIS Number

Client NDIS Number will be validated against existing active Client Profiles in Careview. If no match is found the whole file will be rejected.

Must be 9 digits only with no other characters such as spaces, e.g., 43088899


Client Full Name

Full name of the NDIS Participant.



Service Provider Name

Name of Service Provider on the Invoice.



Service Provider ABN

Service Provider ABN number must be provided.  ABN will be validated against existing Service Provider records in Careview. If no match is found, the whole file will be rejected.

Must be 11 digits with no spaces, e.g., 23099977722


Invoice Number

Service Provider Invoice Number must be provided.

Invoice Number is passed to the PRODA claiming file in the ClaimReference column so must conform to PRODA requirements. If validation fails the whole file will be rejected.

Up to 50 characters. which includes - alpha numeric, forward slash (/), hyphen (-) and underscore (_).



Invoice Date

Service Provider Invoice Date must be provided. If the Invoice Date is not provided the whole file will be rejected.

Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 17/07/2019

Please ensure CSV retains correct format.


Invoice Total

Total amount of the Invoice must be provided. If the Invoice Total is not provided the whole file will be rejected.

Must be in $DD,DDD.CC, e.g., $124,50, $8,471.00, $11,290.81.

The $ can be omitted.

Each Invoice will have 1 or more related Invoice Lines. Where an Invoice has more than 1 Invoice Line, Columns A-H will be repeated for each row that applies to the Invoice.


Invoice Line Delivered Date

Delivered Date must be supplied if Delivered From is null.

Must meet the Start and End Dates of an active Service Contract.

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.

Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 01/07/2019


Invoice Line Delivered From Date

Delivered From must be supplied if Delivered Date is null.

Delivered From cannot be after Delivered To Date.

Must be on or after the Start Date of an active Service Contract.

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.

Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g:, 01/07/2019


Invoice Line Delivered To Date

Delivered To must be supplied if Delivered From is populated. Delivered To cannot be before Delivered From Date.

Must be on or before the End Date of an active Service Contract.

Inactive Service Contracts cannot be used.

Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 01/07/2019


Invoice Line Service Support Item

Line Item Support Item must be supplied.

If the Invoice Line Service Support Item cannot be validated against the existing price guide service support item numbers in Careview whole file will be rejected.

Category budget must exist and have enough remaining funding.

Must be supplied and in the same format as the NDIS Price Guide support item number formats.

E.g. 15_038_0117_1_3


Invoice Line Hours

Hours must be supplied if Quantity is null.

If both Hours and Quantity are included the file will be rejected.

Must be HHH:MM format: e.g.,

1:45 for 1 hour 45 minutes


Invoice Line Quantity

Quantity must be supplied if Hours is null.

If both Hours and Quantity are included the file will be rejected.

We recommend always using InvoiceLineQuantity.

Up to 5 Numeric characters including NNNNN OR NNN.NN. format.


Invoice Line Rate

Rate must be supplied.

If the Rate is not provided the whole file will be rejected.

Rate cannot be greater than current Support Item Number $ rate.

Must be in $D,DDD.CC, e.g., $48,90, $1,210.00, $123.40.

The $ can be omitted.


Invoice Line Total

Linen Item Total must be supplied.

If the Line Item Total is not provided the whole file will be rejected.


InvoiceLineHours x InvoiceLineRate


InvoiceLineQuantity x InvoiceLineRate.

We recommend always using InvoiceLineQuantity.

Must be in $DD,DDD.CC, e.g., $11,290.81.

The $ can be omitted.


Invoice Line GST Code

Must be supplied as 1 of either:

  1.  Null (empty)
  2. P1
  3. P2
If = P1 InvoiceLineTotal must include GST amount.

If null (empty) P2 will be applied when the Invoice line is created in Careview.


Invoice Line Claim Type

Must be supplied as 1 of either:

  1.  Null (empty)
  2.  CANC
  3. REPW
  4. TRAN
  5. NF2F





Invoice Line Cancellation Reason

If Claim Type = CANC, Cancellation Reason must be supplied as 1 of either:

  1. NSDH
  2. NSDF
  3. NSDT
  4. NSDO


Importing the Bulk Invoice File

Use the following steps to import your Bulk Invoice File into Careview, once you have updated your Bulk Invoice Processing Settings.

1.      Click on Invoice Entry from the Main Menu.

2.     The Service Entry screen displays, click Data Loader, then select Bulk Invoice File Import.

3.      The Bulk Invoice File Import screen displays, click Choose File.
**Note-you can download the Bulk Invoice Template from this section also**

4.      From the File Upload screen, click to select your upload file and click on Open.

5.      Click Submit.

6.      The Bulk Invoice File Import screen will confirm that the file has been successfully completed and email confirmation will be sent to the Careview User logged into the system.

7.      If a file validation fails, the system will reject the entire file and will return an error on the screen as per the below example.  Correct the error in the file and repeat steps 1-6 above.

For additional information on file validation please refer to Validation Tables below.

CSV File Validation

The table below provides an overview of the validation checks that will be run prior to the file being loaded into Careview. Please note that in order for a file to be processed it must pass all validation checks. Should any of the invoice data fail the validation check, the whole file will be rejected.

For example, if the file contains information for ten separate invoices and one invoice fails validation, the whole file will be rejected. Rejection reasons will be displayed onscreen to enable the file to be fixed before being uploaded again.



Client NDIS Number

The supplied Client NDIS Number in the CSV file must match an existing Client Profile with a status of Active. If the supplied Client NDIS Number matches against an inactive client in Careview, or does not exist in Careview, the file will be rejected.

Service Provider ABN

The Service Provider ABN must match an existing Service Provider record in Careview. Where no match is found, the file will be rejected. The Service Provider will need to be created/updated with the correct ABN details and then the file can be uploaded again.

Invoice Line Service Support Item

The Invoice Line Service Support Item must match an existing Support Item number in Careview. Where a match is not found, the file will be rejected. The file can either be corrected or the Support Item can be created in Careview and then the file can be uploaded again.


Rate will be validated against the Invoice Line Service Support Item. Where the Rate supplied is greater than the current Support Item Rate (based on Delivered Date or Delivered From Date), and the default for the Support Item Rate in the price guide is not $0, the file will be rejected.

CSV File Budget Validation

Once the file is validated, it will then validate against existing Client budget data in Careview as per the Table below.

Client Budget Validation


Active Service Contract Check

The Client must have an active service contract in Careview. If no active service contract is found that matches the Delivered Date or Delivered From and Delivered To date ranges the file will be rejected.

Duplicate Service Contracts Check

Where there are multiple active service contracts that cover the Delivered Date or Delivered From and Delivered To date range, the file will be rejected.

Existing Category Budget Validation Check

Each Invoice will then be validated against existing active service contract budget categories. If the service contract does not have a category budget for the Support Item Number supplied in Column ID 12 the file will be rejected.

Remaining Budget Validation check

If the remaining category budget for the Client is less than the total value of the related Invoice Lines for the client in the file the file will be rejected.

Service Provider Budget Check

The service contract will be checked to determine if the related Service Provider has a specific category budget. If one exists, the service contract budget will be validated to ensure it contains the required funding. If not, the file will be rejected.

Service Support Check

The service contract will be checked to determine if the related Service Provider has a specific Service Support for the Support Item Number supplied in Column ID 12. If one exists, the Service Support will be validated to ensure it contains the required funding. If not, the file will be rejected.

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